My Little Pony: General Info
Member Since 3/20/2006
Band Website nrk.no/urort/mylittleponyoslo
Band Members Ola Innset, Simen Herning, Jørgen Nordby Henriksen, Nina Bø, Marie Sneve Martinussen and sometimes Jan Olav (Jani) Owren.
Influences Some of our f-influences:
Sounds Like John Lennon and Paul McCartney are having a petty fight, but fortunate enough: Morrissey intervenes and calms them down. He takes them both with him to good old Neil Youngs country bar where they have a good man to man talk about their problems and even cry a little. Afterwards all four of them head back to Brian Wilson's place where they take some LSD (for purely therapeutical reasons of course) and hallucinate about norwegian singer Lars Lillo Stenberg making a pass on Emmylou Harris.
Record Label Spoon Train Audio (STA)