历经漫长的等待, 苏州单人器乐后摇计划Saul的首张专辑终于面世!或大悲大喜,或云淡风轻,纵使那些触动心弦的曲目已耳熟能详也带不走那份感动。这是一个人的音乐旅程,他独自走过夏雨冬雷、春伤秋悲用沿途风景娓娓道来一个个美丽的故事。这些作品丝毫没有因为一个人而显得单薄,相反在许多曲目中可以听到浑厚丰满的配器与采样。用一张唱片作为旅程的注脚,也许一切又即将上路。
After a lengthy incubation, the very first album of Saul, a one man Post-Rock project from Suzhou, China! We already heard a lot about grief, rapture and tranquilness, but Saul still touches our heartstring. This is a lonely musical journey of Saul's. Alone he walked through rain and snow, thunder and mist, summer and winter, then he composed beautiful stories by all the sceneries he's seen. Single authoring didn't make these works monotonous, on the contracy, manifold, colorful, rich melodic instruments and samplings can be heard in this album. One record is a footnote of a journey, maybe the new travel is around the corner.
历经漫长的等待, 苏州单人器乐后摇计划Saul的首张专辑终于面世!或大悲大喜,或云淡风轻,纵使那些触动心弦的曲目已耳熟能详也带不走那份感动。这是一个人的音乐旅程,他独自走过夏雨冬雷、春伤秋悲用沿途风景娓娓道来一个个美丽的故事。这些作品丝毫没有因为一个人而显得单薄,相反在许多曲目中可以听到浑厚丰满的配器与采样。用一张唱片作为旅程的注脚,也许一切又即将上路。
After a lengthy incubation, the very first album of Saul, a one man Post-Rock project from Suzhou, China! We already heard a lot about grief, rapture and tranquilness, but Saul still touches our heartstring. This is a lonely musical journey of Saul's. Alone he walked through rain and snow, thunder and mist, summer and winter, then he composed beautiful stories by all the sceneries he's seen. Single authoring didn't make these works monotonous, on the contracy, manifold, colorful, rich melodic instruments and samplings can be heard in this album. One record is a footnote of a journey, maybe the new travel is around the corner.