Love and Kisses
by Alex HendersonBest-known for performing the theme song from the 1978 disco film Thank God It's Friday -- which was probably disco's most famous movie next to Saturday Night Fever -- Love and Kisses was the creation of producer/songwriter Alec R. Costandinos. With Love and Kisses, Costandinos tended to favor lush, glossy orchestral arrangements and extended performances; it wasn't uncommon for a Love and Kisses number to last 14 minutes or more. Because much of the material dragged on so long, radio programmers tended to shy away from Love and Kisses' LPs. However, the Thank God It's Friday theme (which only came out as a single and wasn't on any of Love and Kisses' albums) did enjoy a lot of radio airplay, and Love and Kisses had no problem appealing to club DJs. Love and Kisses signed with Casablanca in 1977 and the group recorded three albums for that label -- 1977's Love and Kisses, 1978's How Much, How Much I Love You, and 1979's You Must Be Love -- before calling it quits in 1979.