澳大利亚人气新晋古典乐队Aston是六人组成的古典乐队。其6名成员年龄都在二十三四岁,都是刚刚从澳大利亚最好的音乐学校:悉尼音乐学院毕业的学生。 ASTON的音乐风格简单清新但又有种令人屏息的美:史无前例地向观众们呈现现代音乐的经典之作。他们把当代的热门和经典歌曲改编成古典音乐的形式;他们的改编曲目包括了最近的热单,如Lady GaGa的"Telephone" 和Rihanna的"Rude boy",也有经典如Kylie’s "Confide In Me" 和 Coldplay的 "Viva La Vida"。虽然只是简单的选取了那些在音乐史上最受欢迎的歌曲,但是却十分前卫地重新改编,并由一群演艺精湛的古典青年音乐家们演奏。 2010对ASTON来说是不平凡的一年。在签约成为Seven's的乐团后,他们的新作在 The Matty Johns Show 上取得了巨大的成功。乐团成员之一Dan决定把他们演出 Telephone的录像上传到 Youtube上。 只过了两个星期,上传的视频在网上积累点击率七十万,同时被转帖到Perez Hilton(佩雷斯·希尔顿(Perez Hilton)是美国著名的八卦天王,他的个人博客网站Perez Hilton,以好莱坞明星,乐坛歌星以及众多名人的八卦新闻为主,各类八卦消息,上至顶级明星下至无名小辈都免不了被希尔顿尖刻且又热辣的“图文注解”娱乐于大众的命运。而这个八卦BLOG价值3200万美元。)的博客上。该视频成为了2010年 点击率最高的澳大利亚音乐视频,也为乐团赢得了一帮来自世界各地的粉丝。 开始于几个学生的编外计划创造出了轰动,也让ASTON签约到了澳大利亚华纳音乐公司,录制了他们的第一张专辑,现在正在准备带着他们独特的现代—古典音乐巡演全澳大利亚和世界其他地方。 这也是ASTON下一步发展计划,2011年对他们来说将会是收获颇丰的一年!
Aston’s musical vision is as simple as it is breathtakingly beautiful: to present modern classics like no one has ever heard them before.
They take contemporary hits and classics and re-arrange them into classical form. their arrangements include current hits such as Lady GaGa’s ‘Telephone’ and Rihanna’s ‘Rude Boy’, as well as classics such as Kylie’s ‘Confide In Me’ and Coldplays ‘Viva La Vida’. Quite simply some of the biggest and most loved songs in the history of pop and rock music, radically rearranged and delivered afresh by a virtuoso outfit of young classical musicians.
The six members of Aston, aged between 21 and 23, have come straight out of the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, the most distinguished music school in Australia.
Some members are not due to graduate until the end of the year, but they are all already professional young musicians of the highest calibre. 2010 has already been a huge year for Aston.
After being confirmed as the house band on Seven’s new ratings smash The Matty Johns Show, Dan from the band decided to put a recording of Telephone on youtube.
In just two weeks, the track had 700,000 views online, was blogged by the infamous Perez Hilton, became the most viewed australian music video of the year and earned the band a legion of fans from around the world.
What began as a side-project amongst a bunch of students created an instant buzz that’s led to ASTON being signed by Warner Music Australia, recording a debut album and now preparing to take their unique modern classical sound out to audiences across Australia and the rest of the world. With a debut album expected later this year, 2010 is expected to be a massive year for Aston.
Aston’s musical vision is as simple as it is breathtakingly beautiful: to present modern classics like no one has ever heard them before.
They take contemporary hits and classics and re-arrange them into classical form. their arrangements include current hits such as Lady GaGa’s ‘Telephone’ and Rihanna’s ‘Rude Boy’, as well as classics such as Kylie’s ‘Confide In Me’ and Coldplays ‘Viva La Vida’. Quite simply some of the biggest and most loved songs in the history of pop and rock music, radically rearranged and delivered afresh by a virtuoso outfit of young classical musicians.
The six members of Aston, aged between 21 and 23, have come straight out of the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, the most distinguished music school in Australia.
Some members are not due to graduate until the end of the year, but they are all already professional young musicians of the highest calibre. 2010 has already been a huge year for Aston.
After being confirmed as the house band on Seven’s new ratings smash The Matty Johns Show, Dan from the band decided to put a recording of Telephone on youtube.
In just two weeks, the track had 700,000 views online, was blogged by the infamous Perez Hilton, became the most viewed australian music video of the year and earned the band a legion of fans from around the world.
What began as a side-project amongst a bunch of students created an instant buzz that’s led to ASTON being signed by Warner Music Australia, recording a debut album and now preparing to take their unique modern classical sound out to audiences across Australia and the rest of the world. With a debut album expected later this year, 2010 is expected to be a massive year for Aston.