Ben Klock
来自柏林的DJ、制作人、厂牌老板Ben Klock无疑是当今Techno音乐史上最具影响力的人物。作为柏林超级俱乐部Berghain的驻场,他自2004年便随着俱乐部的开业一同声名鹊起。而Berghain俱乐部在全球跳舞俱乐部景致中无比至上的地位也为Ben Klock在DJ和制作方面提供了无限的机会与可能。同时他也凭借自己独具催眠效应的、重型的、绝妙无比的演出现场和他在如Ostgut Ton、Bpitch Control、以及他于2006年自己创建的厂牌Klockworks下发表的众多惊石杰作,而获得了在全球Techno DJ界首屈一指的地位。
在过去几年中,Ben Klock的作品,无论是独自创作还是于与排挡Marcel Dettmann(另一位柏林出身的电音巨星)的合作,几乎首首都是新一代Techno DJ的唱片箱中必定收藏的舞池圣歌。2009年2月,他的新专辑在Ostgut Ton厂牌下的成功发表,标志着他在电音创作领域已经登上了一个无人能及的全新高度。另一方面,他的演出现场就如同对90年代的经典Techno进行一场新式的洗礼,不仅为Techno这种已经存在超过20年的音乐类型带来一股新鲜浪潮,更为他赢得了全球新老舞迷们顶礼膜拜。
by Andy Kellman
A techno producer who thrives most when using stripped-down tracks shaded with darker hues, Berlin's Ben Klock debuted in 1998 as Ben E. Clock with a 12" on his own short-lived Clockworks label. His modest beginning continued with a 2000 12" on WMF, but in 2003 he released a pair of singles -- "Glow" and "Tag der Arbeit" -- on Ellen Allien's BPitch Control. That allegiance significantly increased his exposure. After a pair of releases on BPitch sublabel Memo, Klock and Marcel Dettmann collaborated on the 2006 maiden release for Ostgut, the label branch of Berlin's Berghain nightclub. Successive Ostgut singles, especially February 2007's "Czeslawa"/"Warszawa," ramped up the anticipation for the first Klock full-length. One, the third production album released on Ostgut (following almost universally praised releases from Shed and Prosumer + Murat Tepeli), was issued in March 2009.
在过去几年中,Ben Klock的作品,无论是独自创作还是于与排挡Marcel Dettmann(另一位柏林出身的电音巨星)的合作,几乎首首都是新一代Techno DJ的唱片箱中必定收藏的舞池圣歌。2009年2月,他的新专辑在Ostgut Ton厂牌下的成功发表,标志着他在电音创作领域已经登上了一个无人能及的全新高度。另一方面,他的演出现场就如同对90年代的经典Techno进行一场新式的洗礼,不仅为Techno这种已经存在超过20年的音乐类型带来一股新鲜浪潮,更为他赢得了全球新老舞迷们顶礼膜拜。
by Andy Kellman
A techno producer who thrives most when using stripped-down tracks shaded with darker hues, Berlin's Ben Klock debuted in 1998 as Ben E. Clock with a 12" on his own short-lived Clockworks label. His modest beginning continued with a 2000 12" on WMF, but in 2003 he released a pair of singles -- "Glow" and "Tag der Arbeit" -- on Ellen Allien's BPitch Control. That allegiance significantly increased his exposure. After a pair of releases on BPitch sublabel Memo, Klock and Marcel Dettmann collaborated on the 2006 maiden release for Ostgut, the label branch of Berlin's Berghain nightclub. Successive Ostgut singles, especially February 2007's "Czeslawa"/"Warszawa," ramped up the anticipation for the first Klock full-length. One, the third production album released on Ostgut (following almost universally praised releases from Shed and Prosumer + Murat Tepeli), was issued in March 2009.