Michael Hirte
德国44岁的一直靠社会救济维生的希尔特(Michael Hirte)最近喜获“2008超级才华奖”。上周六晚,德国RTL电视台选秀节目进入总决赛,希尔特凭着出色的口琴表演一举夺冠。评审员迪特·伯伦(Dieter Bohlen)也认为这是荣之所归。在长达四个小时的节目当中,伯伦多次为希尔特叫好,甚至打赌说,假如不是希尔特获胜,他将“吞掉自己的夹克衫”。
素以言词尖刻著称的伯伦在评价"超级才华奖"候选人的时候显得温和而又婉转,另两名评审员Sylvie van der Vaart以及Bruce Darnell也不吝美言地赞叹他们是"地球上的天使","天籁之音"令人宛如置身"良辰美景"。
当节目进行了两个半小时之后,希尔特作为最后一名参赛者出场,而他的大获全胜仿佛是命中注定。一曲《Ave Maria》之后,天上飘下了一阵星雨,三名评委不约而同地站起身来,向希尔特表示祝贺。伯伦当即表示:"没人比你更应该赢了。"希尔特从不屈从于命运,值得"每个人都投票给他。"
对于Michael Hirte来说,梦想已经实现。不仅仅是那个超级才华奖和10万欧元的奖金,更重要的是,它的第一张个人专辑"Der Mann mit der Mundharmonika"即将发行。专辑中不光有他用口琴演奏的著名经典乐曲,Ave Maria,You Raise Me Up,还有着契合目前圣诞气氛的Stille Nacht。与此同时,他的个人巡回表演的计划也已经形成。
Michael Hirte is a harmonica player from Germany whose debut album, Der Mann mit der Mundharmonika (2008), was a chart-topping success throughout the German-language world in the wake of his rise to fame on the television show Das Supertalent. Born on October 10, 1964, in Spremberg, Germany, he suffered a terrible accident in 1991 that left him severely injured and in a coma. After recovering from the accident, Hirte found solace in the harmonica. His remarkable talent for playing the instrument led to an opportunity to compete on the television show Das Supertalent, a German-language version of the show Britain's Got Talent. His performances on the show led to fame within the German-language world, where the tragedy of his back-story became as well known as his musical ability. On the night of November 29, 2008, Hirte won the televised talent show by a wide margin, garnering 72.62 percent of the votes; by comparison, the closest competitor won a meager 5.47 percent of the votes. Within a month's time, Hirte had signed a major-label recording contract with Sony BMG and released his full-length solo album debut, Der Mann mit der Mundharmonika, the week before Christmas. A chart-topping success on the album charts of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, Der Mann mit der Mundharmonika features the minor hit singles "Ave Maria" and "You Raise Me Up." In 2009 Hirte mounted an extensive tour of Germany in support of his album debut.
素以言词尖刻著称的伯伦在评价"超级才华奖"候选人的时候显得温和而又婉转,另两名评审员Sylvie van der Vaart以及Bruce Darnell也不吝美言地赞叹他们是"地球上的天使","天籁之音"令人宛如置身"良辰美景"。
当节目进行了两个半小时之后,希尔特作为最后一名参赛者出场,而他的大获全胜仿佛是命中注定。一曲《Ave Maria》之后,天上飘下了一阵星雨,三名评委不约而同地站起身来,向希尔特表示祝贺。伯伦当即表示:"没人比你更应该赢了。"希尔特从不屈从于命运,值得"每个人都投票给他。"
对于Michael Hirte来说,梦想已经实现。不仅仅是那个超级才华奖和10万欧元的奖金,更重要的是,它的第一张个人专辑"Der Mann mit der Mundharmonika"即将发行。专辑中不光有他用口琴演奏的著名经典乐曲,Ave Maria,You Raise Me Up,还有着契合目前圣诞气氛的Stille Nacht。与此同时,他的个人巡回表演的计划也已经形成。
Michael Hirte is a harmonica player from Germany whose debut album, Der Mann mit der Mundharmonika (2008), was a chart-topping success throughout the German-language world in the wake of his rise to fame on the television show Das Supertalent. Born on October 10, 1964, in Spremberg, Germany, he suffered a terrible accident in 1991 that left him severely injured and in a coma. After recovering from the accident, Hirte found solace in the harmonica. His remarkable talent for playing the instrument led to an opportunity to compete on the television show Das Supertalent, a German-language version of the show Britain's Got Talent. His performances on the show led to fame within the German-language world, where the tragedy of his back-story became as well known as his musical ability. On the night of November 29, 2008, Hirte won the televised talent show by a wide margin, garnering 72.62 percent of the votes; by comparison, the closest competitor won a meager 5.47 percent of the votes. Within a month's time, Hirte had signed a major-label recording contract with Sony BMG and released his full-length solo album debut, Der Mann mit der Mundharmonika, the week before Christmas. A chart-topping success on the album charts of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, Der Mann mit der Mundharmonika features the minor hit singles "Ave Maria" and "You Raise Me Up." In 2009 Hirte mounted an extensive tour of Germany in support of his album debut.