David Newman
好莱坞有子承父业的明星家族,而在电影音乐领域亦有薪火相传的电影音乐家族-Newman(纽曼)家族,30年代的Alfred Newman一手雕塑好莱坞电影黄金年代(30-60年)经典风华,Alfred Newman的弟弟莱诺在60年代接下Alfred先前执掌的福斯电影音乐部门,然后,Alfred的侄子Randy Newman则在70年代树立美国式文采乐风并且慢慢走进电影音乐世界,Alfred的大儿子David Newman原来对指挥工作疯狂热爱,80年代末期才投入电影音乐圈,Alfred最小的儿子Thomas Newman则在80年代中期闯进电影音乐领域。这一个音乐世家用音符照亮好莱坞,Alfred曾45度提名奥斯卡,9度夺奖,完成《彗星美人》、《西部开拓史》、《国际机场》……等225部左右的作品,连至今仍脍炙人口的福斯电影公司影片放映前的开场序曲都是出自他手笔;Randy则以《媒体先锋》、《玩具总动员》、《虫虫危机》、《欢乐谷》12度入围奥斯卡电影音乐或歌曲项目角逐;David身兼日舞影艺学院的音乐总监,作过《玫瑰战争》、《超级巨人》、《轰天奇兵》……等。
David Newman (born March 11, 1954) is an American composer known particularly for his music for the movies.
Newman was born in Los Angeles, California to the late Hollywood composer Alfred Newman. He is the brother of the Hollywood composer Thomas Newman and a cousin of composer Randy Newman. An accomplished violinist, and successful concert conductor, Newman was educated at the University of Southern California.
Newman's success seems tied to his collaboration with actor/director Danny DeVito, beginning with Throw Momma from the Train (1987). He continued with DeVito for The War of the Roses (1989), Other People's Money (1991), Hoffa (1992), Matilda (1996) and Death to Smoochy (2002). His sensibility toward comedy brought him to The Flintstones (1994), The Mighty Ducks (1992), The Nutty Professor (1996), and Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989), and requests for his scores for comedic films have continued to this day.
His other scores include The Phantom, The Brave Little Toaster, Anastasia, Malone, Ice Age, Serenity, and R.O.T.O.R.. He received an Academy Award nomination for the score to the animated film Anastasia.
In 1997, David Newman began a four year stint as the music director for the Sundance Institute, and he has conducted the Los Angeles Philharmonic orchestra on several occasions.
That year, he also re-recorded the Twentieth Century Fox Fanfare, composed by his father Alfred Newman.
David Newman was elected president of The Film Music Society in February 2007.
David Newman (born March 11, 1954) is an American composer known particularly for his music for the movies.
Newman was born in Los Angeles, California to the late Hollywood composer Alfred Newman. He is the brother of the Hollywood composer Thomas Newman and a cousin of composer Randy Newman. An accomplished violinist, and successful concert conductor, Newman was educated at the University of Southern California.
Newman's success seems tied to his collaboration with actor/director Danny DeVito, beginning with Throw Momma from the Train (1987). He continued with DeVito for The War of the Roses (1989), Other People's Money (1991), Hoffa (1992), Matilda (1996) and Death to Smoochy (2002). His sensibility toward comedy brought him to The Flintstones (1994), The Mighty Ducks (1992), The Nutty Professor (1996), and Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989), and requests for his scores for comedic films have continued to this day.
His other scores include The Phantom, The Brave Little Toaster, Anastasia, Malone, Ice Age, Serenity, and R.O.T.O.R.. He received an Academy Award nomination for the score to the animated film Anastasia.
In 1997, David Newman began a four year stint as the music director for the Sundance Institute, and he has conducted the Los Angeles Philharmonic orchestra on several occasions.
That year, he also re-recorded the Twentieth Century Fox Fanfare, composed by his father Alfred Newman.
David Newman was elected president of The Film Music Society in February 2007.