SKEPTICISM又一支来自芬兰的Funeral Doom乐队,不同于THERGOTHON的是,这支乐队完全拥有自己的个性,风格,一种教堂般触摸死亡的声音,键盘在其中起到了关键的作用,而打击乐器的质朴简约的用法使乐队的作品听起来略有悲壮震撼感,低沉的贝司使所有作品笼罩在一种极度抑郁甚至昏昏欲睡的状态下,呜噜不清的死吼把整个背景压得很低,总之,SKEPTICISM创造出一种简单而凝重、黑暗的Funeral Doom之声,不可错过。
“重复就是力量”在SKEPTICISM的音乐中有这么一种核心的思想,当然并不是说乐队除了重复的riff什么都没有,否则怎样才能成为doomster心目中不衰的Funeral 先行者呢,即使是mold也很钟爱他们的作品。他们的作品会让听者陷入极度的沮丧之中,或者你会感觉自己在凋零,再坚强的人也会有一种难耐的感觉。而Funeral Doom往往都会运用一种慢吞吞的步调达到折磨人的效果,SKEPTICISM则做到了极致。
SKEPTICISM是一支比较奇怪有些神秘的乐队,乐队成员表示,他们的音乐不是来源于其他老牌乐队。乐队的鼓手是一个喜欢听各种恐怖音乐的人,而 玩了十多年吉他的吉他手又是一个非常喜欢各种优美有氛围感音乐的人,虽然在兴趣上有如此差异,但大家都能够综合自己的感受在SKEPTICISM之中,酝酿出更好的东西。同时乐队似乎不太喜欢暴露自己于外人面前,所以你很少能够见到SKEPTICISM成员的身影,有些是比较模糊的照片,因此在这许多年后,渐渐的为乐队披上了一件神秘的外衣。
Skepticism was originally formed in 1991. The first year of existence brought a few local gigs and the debut release - a 7" EP. The final line-up was reached in early 1993 and consists of a drummer, guitarist, organist and a singer. No changes in the line-up have taken place since then.
The second release - 'AEOTHER KAEAR' promotional tape was released in late 1993. This release both stylistically set the course for Skepticism for the years to come and brought a recording contract with an US label Red Stream. In the reviews of 'AEOTHE KAEAR' Skepticism was also referred to as "Funeral Doom" for the first time.
The debut album Stormcrowfleet was released in 1995. Three re-recorded songs from 'AEOTHE KAEAR' and three new ones are included. Stormcrowfleet is Skepticism at its purest - slow paced and extremely massive. The album got a mixed response - it was renowned as a classic by some and totally disappreciated by others.
On the following releases - 'ethere' miniCD and 'Lead and Aether' CD Skepticism brought their sound even further. The simple and massive soundscapes of Stormcrowfleet had got a more sophisticated form with more aggression and dynamical changes. Again the response was mixed but this time the scene already knew what to expect.
In 1998 Skepticism released the 'aes' - a half an hour composition. The minimalistic and holistic tendencies that had played a supporting part on the first two albums were now in a major role. 'aes' may sound slightly lighter than it's predecessors but is still as Skepticism as ever.
After the release of 'aes' Skepticism devoted to songwriting and not much was heard of the band for quite some time.
The four-year silence ended in 2002 with the release of 'The Process of Farmakon' miniCD. The MiniCD features two re-arranged and re-recorded songs from the upcoming full length album 'Farmakon.' Like the two first albums 'Farmakon' will feature six songs and - according to the band - "be the most terrifying Skepticism album ever." After some delays 'Farmakon' will be released in the summer of 2003.
In addition to preparing the two new releases Skepticism re-entered the live venues for the first time in 8 years. This was also the first live show with the current line-up. The first gig happened in January 2001 at a club in Turku, Finland. Occasional live shows have happened after that prior to getting on the road for the Funeral Procession 2003 tour. During the year 2004 Skepticism played a few gigs in Finland.
Currently (winter 2008) Skepticism is finalising material for the upcoming releases. Skepticism is also going to provide new live shows during the 2008. More information about these topics will be announced on this website.
“重复就是力量”在SKEPTICISM的音乐中有这么一种核心的思想,当然并不是说乐队除了重复的riff什么都没有,否则怎样才能成为doomster心目中不衰的Funeral 先行者呢,即使是mold也很钟爱他们的作品。他们的作品会让听者陷入极度的沮丧之中,或者你会感觉自己在凋零,再坚强的人也会有一种难耐的感觉。而Funeral Doom往往都会运用一种慢吞吞的步调达到折磨人的效果,SKEPTICISM则做到了极致。
SKEPTICISM是一支比较奇怪有些神秘的乐队,乐队成员表示,他们的音乐不是来源于其他老牌乐队。乐队的鼓手是一个喜欢听各种恐怖音乐的人,而 玩了十多年吉他的吉他手又是一个非常喜欢各种优美有氛围感音乐的人,虽然在兴趣上有如此差异,但大家都能够综合自己的感受在SKEPTICISM之中,酝酿出更好的东西。同时乐队似乎不太喜欢暴露自己于外人面前,所以你很少能够见到SKEPTICISM成员的身影,有些是比较模糊的照片,因此在这许多年后,渐渐的为乐队披上了一件神秘的外衣。
Skepticism was originally formed in 1991. The first year of existence brought a few local gigs and the debut release - a 7" EP. The final line-up was reached in early 1993 and consists of a drummer, guitarist, organist and a singer. No changes in the line-up have taken place since then.
The second release - 'AEOTHER KAEAR' promotional tape was released in late 1993. This release both stylistically set the course for Skepticism for the years to come and brought a recording contract with an US label Red Stream. In the reviews of 'AEOTHE KAEAR' Skepticism was also referred to as "Funeral Doom" for the first time.
The debut album Stormcrowfleet was released in 1995. Three re-recorded songs from 'AEOTHE KAEAR' and three new ones are included. Stormcrowfleet is Skepticism at its purest - slow paced and extremely massive. The album got a mixed response - it was renowned as a classic by some and totally disappreciated by others.
On the following releases - 'ethere' miniCD and 'Lead and Aether' CD Skepticism brought their sound even further. The simple and massive soundscapes of Stormcrowfleet had got a more sophisticated form with more aggression and dynamical changes. Again the response was mixed but this time the scene already knew what to expect.
In 1998 Skepticism released the 'aes' - a half an hour composition. The minimalistic and holistic tendencies that had played a supporting part on the first two albums were now in a major role. 'aes' may sound slightly lighter than it's predecessors but is still as Skepticism as ever.
After the release of 'aes' Skepticism devoted to songwriting and not much was heard of the band for quite some time.
The four-year silence ended in 2002 with the release of 'The Process of Farmakon' miniCD. The MiniCD features two re-arranged and re-recorded songs from the upcoming full length album 'Farmakon.' Like the two first albums 'Farmakon' will feature six songs and - according to the band - "be the most terrifying Skepticism album ever." After some delays 'Farmakon' will be released in the summer of 2003.
In addition to preparing the two new releases Skepticism re-entered the live venues for the first time in 8 years. This was also the first live show with the current line-up. The first gig happened in January 2001 at a club in Turku, Finland. Occasional live shows have happened after that prior to getting on the road for the Funeral Procession 2003 tour. During the year 2004 Skepticism played a few gigs in Finland.
Currently (winter 2008) Skepticism is finalising material for the upcoming releases. Skepticism is also going to provide new live shows during the 2008. More information about these topics will be announced on this website.