Mike Rowland
天使的代言人 麦克‧罗兰 (Mike Rowland),这位谦恭、单纯又有点害羞的英国绅士,却以他天籁般的乐章掳获所有人的心。
麦可罗兰的音乐生涯始于英国。就在他漫步于广大森林的那个片刻,他听见了来自树林某处的一种”无声的”音乐。回到家后,他将之录下,并加上了他所能想到的,最简单明白的意含,称之为:指环精灵(The Fairy Ring)。
他带着几份录音的拷贝,亲自走访了一些小店及经销商。就靠着口耳相传,而非市场竞争,他成为了最畅销的新时代音乐家。资深影星莎莉‧麦克兰将他「指环精灵」中的音乐,用在录像带课程「内在运动」(Inner Workout)中。
New age composer Mike Rowland was born in London in 1958. As a youngster, Rowland showed a natural affinity for composing and playing the piano. After his schooling, he ran an antique shop, where he grew to appreciate the treasures that passed through his hands. He played the church organs at Albert Hall and St. Paul's Cathedral; while at home, he created dreamy compositions at his piano and synthesizer.
One day in the early '80s, he heard an otherworldly, yet humble, melody while walking through the forest. Back in his living room, Rowland set up a tape recorder and played the music as best he could remember. After mixing in some orchestral strings with a synthesizer, Fairy Ring was complete. Rowland made duplicates on his home tape recorder and casually distributed them to friends and stores. From this innocent beginning, Fairy Ring spread worldwide to become one of the most enduring new age albums of all time; Shirley MacLaine immortalized the music on her video Inner Workout.
Rowland occasionally gives public concerts, and during a 1986 tour in The Hague, he signed on with Oreade Music, thus assuring his recordings worldwide marketing and distribution. Rowland, however, has never lost that mystical innocence and charm. His album roster includes Piesces (1990), Within the Light (1996), and My Elfin Friends (1999). Land of Hope and Dreams followed in early 2001.
天使的代言人 麦克‧罗兰 (Mike Rowland),这位谦恭、单纯又有点害羞的英国绅士,却以他天籁般的乐章掳获所有人的心。
麦可罗兰的音乐生涯始于英国。就在他漫步于广大森林的那个片刻,他听见了来自树林某处的一种”无声的”音乐。回到家后,他将之录下,并加上了他所能想到的,最简单明白的意含,称之为:指环精灵(The Fairy Ring)。
他带着几份录音的拷贝,亲自走访了一些小店及经销商。就靠着口耳相传,而非市场竞争,他成为了最畅销的新时代音乐家。资深影星莎莉‧麦克兰将他「指环精灵」中的音乐,用在录像带课程「内在运动」(Inner Workout)中。
New age composer Mike Rowland was born in London in 1958. As a youngster, Rowland showed a natural affinity for composing and playing the piano. After his schooling, he ran an antique shop, where he grew to appreciate the treasures that passed through his hands. He played the church organs at Albert Hall and St. Paul's Cathedral; while at home, he created dreamy compositions at his piano and synthesizer.
One day in the early '80s, he heard an otherworldly, yet humble, melody while walking through the forest. Back in his living room, Rowland set up a tape recorder and played the music as best he could remember. After mixing in some orchestral strings with a synthesizer, Fairy Ring was complete. Rowland made duplicates on his home tape recorder and casually distributed them to friends and stores. From this innocent beginning, Fairy Ring spread worldwide to become one of the most enduring new age albums of all time; Shirley MacLaine immortalized the music on her video Inner Workout.
Rowland occasionally gives public concerts, and during a 1986 tour in The Hague, he signed on with Oreade Music, thus assuring his recordings worldwide marketing and distribution. Rowland, however, has never lost that mystical innocence and charm. His album roster includes Piesces (1990), Within the Light (1996), and My Elfin Friends (1999). Land of Hope and Dreams followed in early 2001.