目黒将司 - Last Surprise
Tried to run me through hold on
Think again don't you know what you're starting
But I'm sure we got a clue how about
This will go don't you know know my art
Art of war
And as you look to the horizon not a cloud
But the stormy weather's going to come
Seems like it crept up out of nowhere all around
View was not quite what you foretold
You'll never see it coming
You see that my mind is too fast for eyes
You're done in
By the time it's hit you your last surprise
Think you've got your game planned out
To a T get them two steps ahead yeah
So step into my way stand out
It's a trap one more step and you're dead
And you're dead
Why just a picosecond ago clear blue sky
But now lightning strikes your last resolve
It's not an accident that no one hears your cries
As your last strength seems to dissolve
You'll never see it coming
You see that my mind is too fast for eyes
You're done in
By the time it's hit you your last surprise
I'm coming for you
My game's always so fast so fine
You're smiling
But that meant you didn't catch it in time
Better think about your game
Are you sure your next move's the right one for you
Are you sure you won't get outmaneuvered
Again and again my friend
You'll never see it coming
You see that my mind is too fast for eyes
You're done in
By the time it's hit you your last surprise
I'm coming for you
My game's always so fast so fine
You're smiling
But that meant you didn't catch it in time
目黒将司 - Last Surprise
Tried to run me through hold on
Think again don't you know what you're starting
But I'm sure we got a clue how about
This will go don't you know know my art
Art of war
And as you look to the horizon not a cloud
But the stormy weather's going to come
Seems like it crept up out of nowhere all around
View was not quite what you foretold
You'll never see it coming
You see that my mind is too fast for eyes
You're done in
By the time it's hit you your last surprise
Think you've got your game planned out
To a T get them two steps ahead yeah
So step into my way stand out
It's a trap one more step and you're dead
And you're dead
Why just a picosecond ago clear blue sky
But now lightning strikes your last resolve
It's not an accident that no one hears your cries
As your last strength seems to dissolve
You'll never see it coming
You see that my mind is too fast for eyes
You're done in
By the time it's hit you your last surprise
I'm coming for you
My game's always so fast so fine
You're smiling
But that meant you didn't catch it in time
Better think about your game
Are you sure your next move's the right one for you
Are you sure you won't get outmaneuvered
Again and again my friend
You'll never see it coming
You see that my mind is too fast for eyes
You're done in
By the time it's hit you your last surprise
I'm coming for you
My game's always so fast so fine
You're smiling
But that meant you didn't catch it in time