에 게시:2024년
lrc 가사
In-*sight session on. Compression on inject Decepticons with mega bombs 32 measures long Say the password through the intercom Destruct button flipped open and pressed now its blinking on lectures disconnect your stimuli syllables solidified cries of criminals i crystalized alpha theorem quanitifcaaaation of rap physics massacred trash givers in pitch black activate the mind shocker after hours. attach the cap to a coward. Track reactions to galactic powers collapse your hideout evacuated blast radius is calculated ... trash talkers tabulated medics are fascinated by the autopsy composition stomp competition and summoned tsunamis check ya hypothesis n analyze velocity Equalize your mind while we move and rock properly Chorus We go in and out up and around through the sound ---- in and up and around through the sound Rhyme physics- is science we’re using now Rhyme physics ..is science .. we’re using now We go in and out up and around through the sound ---- in and up and around through the sound Rhyme physics is science we’re using now Rhyme physics is science we’re using now ConNect the coaxle cable to transport the data gathered as antimattered to Japan after recordings patch cords snap your thorax sawed to for tracks time to translate rap chemistry that i mandate.... tax technique 100 percent. push to the fullest extent. techniques i invent invade and overthrow encrypted message sent to tokyo to rock a doper show Verse: 894 wheEl aN cOme aGaiN ComE duNg SelEcta You See Mi A DeAl はじめから真面目だ 怪奇チャクラ全開 毒が満タン独学じゃ限界だ末端でbreAke doWN So mI go sO tuRntabLeで回転倍にして45回転で合いの手 ハイ、Mi nAah KnOw! マジMi neVer kNowだ、 MemBa Mi tEll Yu 覚えとけ七色 Verse: 716 幾千の感性が賛成。慢性化、反省、我慢、性否定 なんてナンセンスだぜ。 混ぜるワールド巻き込むヤバイCARD ノーガードの感覚に撃ち込む詩 insight→skyhigh→インサイド→アウトサイド 消す無境界仮説midi→shin-shight! 臨界超えるSHOCKとphysicsのLOGICが耳に飛び火 Chorus Verse: 181 壇上から抜群の入射角で打ち込むグラヴィティ。 弾丸バリにトップスピードになった思考でアンサーしろ。 この攻撃的な講義に参加しろ。 地球の片隅で記録する熱量、 散らばって世界中で倍化するレスポンス。 rhyme physicsは内外跨ぐ。 引力を振り切って駆けろSKY-HI Verse: SKY-HI スーハー深く吸い込み膨らむ横隔膜から爆発(Bomb!) 絶妙な角度で差し込む触媒 政治経済ゴシップ恋愛哲学猥談からただのグチまで マイク通しゃ芸術品? 用法容量はご自由に ただ中毒性には要注意? Verse: 716 理解不能でしょ!安い豚鼻のBEEF 飛び交う利害無視で集中!世界とコネクト Verse: 181 ジャック突っ込んだケーブル高速トランスファー。 国境を越え俄然加速度増す。 Verse: SKY-HI 閉ざす明日を開くブツ切りの美学 光すら届かぬ所まで飛び出す Chorus