에 게시:2023년
lrc 가사
作词 : Taka 作曲 : Taka You always call me full of regret 你的来电总是充满悔恨 You want me to save you again 你指望我再一次拯救你的人生 After all these years, the days go by 日复一日,年华飞逝 I’ve seen you fall a million times 我眼看着你堕落无数次 Everybody makes mistakes 犯错在所难免,人无完人 It feels so hard to watch you hurt 看见你满身伤痕,我也心痛不已 From that pain a lesson learned 不如把伤痛当做课题 This is how you find your way 这才是你还原人生正轨的方式 You feel so lost I’ve been there too 我这副模样令你怅然若失 Skies so dark no way through 我深陷苍穹,找不到明路 Stories only scars can tell 伤疤写就了我的人生 I’ve got so much love for you my friend 愿为你倾注我全部的爱与祝福 Ride or die until the end 与你同生共死,成为你的支柱 But only you can save yourself 但亲爱的朋友,你得先学会自我救赎 You just have to Listen, listen 你只需聆听 I hope that you know Listen, listen 愿你仔细聆听 I won’t let you go 我不会放任你孤独前行 I wish I could save you from the pain you’ve been through 多想治愈你历经的伤痛与艰辛 And all I can tell you is the best thing to do 让我做你的指引 (You gotta)Listen, listen 不妨仔细聆听 To your heart 遵从内心的声音 Listen, listen Listen, listen 聆听