에 게시:2005년
lrc 가사
step by step hand to hand over every ocean in every land without words we can understand over hill,dale,and torrent through city streets and countyside the sacred fire shines out everywhere the noble spirit runs far and wide burning,burning,burning,burning burning,burning,burning,the olympic torch you and me burning,burning,burning,the sacred fire orive the dark far away 一步一步手牵着手 越过浩瀚海洋越过广阔疆域 心灵的沟通胜过千言万语 越过高山深谷激流 越过城市田野村庄 火炬的光芒处处闪耀 崇高精神远播四方 燃烧燃烧燃烧你我拥有奥林匹克的精神 燃烧燃烧燃火炬的光芒让世界友爱和平