lrc 歌词
Dawn over the karst hills of Guilin. These remarkable hills owe their peculiar shapes to the mildly acid waters of the Li River, whose meandering course over eons of time has corroded away their bases until only the rocky cores remain. The Li is one of the cleanest rivers in China, a favourite spot for fishermen with their trained cormorants. The men, all called Huang, come from the same village. Now in their 70s and 80s, they've been fishermen all their lives. Before they release the birds, they tie a noose loosely around the neck to stop them swallowing any fish they may catch. 拂晓降临至桂林的喀斯特山地。这些山地的嶙峋奇秀归功于漓江那弱酸性的水质,亿万年的侵蚀褪去了他们的本来面目只剩下坚硬的河道残留下来。漓江是中国最清澈的河流之一,是捕鱼者和他们训练有素的鸬鹚最爱的捕获点。这帮七八十岁的男人全部姓黄,他们来自同一个村落。他们毕生都以捕鱼为生。在释放鱼鸟之前,他们在鸟的脖子上松松的系一条套索,以防止鸟儿私自将捕到的鱼吞进肚子里。