lrc 歌词
I've got no strings to hold me down To make me fret, or make me frown 没有任何事能打倒我,使我烦恼,让我忧伤 I had strings but now I'm free 虽然曾经的我有许多麻烦,但现在的我无忧无虑 with that strings on me I've got no strings so I have fun 那些问题在我看来都以无所谓,只因我无忧无虑 ,所以我快乐 I'm not tied up to anyone but you can see,there are no strings on me! 我没有向任何人约束 并且你能看到,它们对我而言都已无所谓! Hi-ho 这个 me-ri-o, that's only way to be I want the world to know nothing ever worries me I get no strings so I have fun Hi-ho这个 me-ri-o我想让这个世界知道没有任何事能使我忧伤,我无事一身轻, i'm not tied up to anyone but you can see,there are no strings on me! 我没有向任何人约束 并且你能看到,那一切都与我无关!