lrc 歌词
作曲 : Skinny Puppy blatant manner speak partingaddicted romance love testedbonding cement no longer holdsfailing from substance abuseparting fits too young to grow oldwicked resenting never faces itselftorturer taints animal waitsno evironment torturer lovingrighteous real-time intrusioncancer attack bleaching desserts so sweetfears filtered for reasons unknowntorturer taints animal waitsleaves bitter taste in the mouth forevercorners creeping feartasting force fed lies of the wickedacting out fears false truth turned aroundwicked torture wicked wickedthe wicked words of the torturerabusing and controlling anyone thats useful to himwicked waits the torturerwicked waiting of the torturerreads story truth seethingswallows turning awaytorturer taints animal with hatebelieved poison eatencontrols turning awayenlightenment turned awayno change the wicked not facing hisselfwicked torturerforce fed tormentanimal torturewicked not facing hisselftorturer turning awaywicked turning awaywicked torturerwicked turning awayturning away disappears from himselftortures the animaltortures the animal