lrc 歌词
The prairies of North America. This rich pasture once supported the greatest herds ever seen on our planet. There were once 60 million bison but no animal is immune to intensive hunting by man or the destruction of its habitat and a century ago the bison were reduced to barely 1,000. Now, thanks to rigorous protection, the species is recovering. The growing season is long and the grass here can support herds all year round. Male bison weigh in at one tonne. In high summer the bulls are fat from the rich grazing and in prime condition but only a few will mate. Exactly which few is about to be decided. 这里是北美大草原。在这片草原上曾经有地球上最大的野生兽群。这里一度有6000万头美洲野牛,但任何动物都无法承受滥捕滥杀和栖息地被毁的恶果。100年前,野牛的数量只剩不到1000只。由于强有力的保护措施,现在这个物种又开始恢复生机了。这里的草长期生长,动物一年到头在这里都有食物可吃。充足的食物使雄野牛的体重可达到1吨。在盛夏季节,丰富的草食和生活条件让公牛变得很肥壮,但只有少数能够有交配的权力。哪些雄性有权交配在时间不长的角斗中很快就会决定出来。