lrc 歌词
作词 : YUGUIREN 作曲 : YUGUIREN 编曲 : YUGUIREN Stairs upon the temple, 通往神殿的阶梯啊, l climb and l crawl and, 一路攀登 也曾匍匐前行, Wonder how much further I'lI go, 还能坚持多远我亦不明, Feet that fall apart till, 直到双脚全然破碎, l walk on my ankles, 还有断踝继续支撑, Can I finish? I just don't know, 有人问我能否最终抵达?我也不清楚, Stairs upon the temple, 通往神殿的阶梯啊, l climb and I crawl and, 先是奋力攀登渐至缓慢爬行, Wonder how much further I'll go, 不知自己还有几分可能, Feet that fall apart till, 双脚分崩离析, l walk on my ankles, 行走靠着残踵, Can I finish?I just don't know, 不确定可不可以走完全程, People travel millions of miles just to see it, 人们不远万里只为一瞥祂的尊容, But they never conquer this way, 却从未有人将这漫漫长路战胜, Stairs upon the temple, 通往神殿的阶梯啊, l climb and l crawl and, 时而攀登时而缓行, Wonder how much further I'lI go, 想知道自己还能再上几层, Feet that fall apart till, 两足崩坏, l walk on my ankles, 脚腕续行, Can I finish?I just don't know, 我不知道能否最终登顶, l can tell them the greatest gains have conditions, 但我可以告诉他们一点——, But they're too far to hear what l say, 可他们和我相隔甚远。