lrc 歌词
得胜有余 We Have the Victory 词:曾祥怡 Grace Tseng 曲:游智婷 Sandy Yu 因祢救恩 我要夸胜 All God's children,let me hear you make a shout of joy 奉祢的名 竖立旌旗 Cuz we've been saved,redeemed and claimed 领受权柄 胜过仇敌一切的能力 So now we have the victory|! 因祢救恩 我要夸胜 All God's children,let me see you lift the banner high 奉祢的名 竖立旌旗 No more shame,no more fear 不再害怕 因为我属耶稣的 We're on Team Jesus Christ 因着主耶稣 我可夸口 Because of Jesus,we will shout for joy 因着主耶稣 我已得胜 Because of Him,we are victorious 因为在我里面的 有复活的能力 For if our God is for us,none can be against us 属天的权柄 胜过世界的信心 By our faith,we got the pow'r to overcome 胜过谎言 胜过仇敌 All of the lies,all enemies 在一切事上 我得胜有余 But in all these things,we have the victory!