lrc 歌词
作曲 : NINEONE# 作词 : NINEONE# 编曲:KUCCI、Robins Lu u ain't got me when I got sth wrong 当我犯下错之时 你并未理解我 unfortunatly we still at where we from 但不幸的是我们已经停留在原地 make sure you won't know my feel 确保你也不会了解我的感受 but it should be done at once by you baby 但你最好立刻去尝试着理解 I think that I'm strict with you 我认为或许自己对你有些严苛吧 and so you know what to do 所以你才会知道该怎么做 we had ups and downs 我们之间有过起伏与波澜 we fought we changed 我们共同拼搏 我们改变着 we grew and we grew apart 成长的同时也逐渐分道扬镳 so real but it won't end end end 这是如此切真的感受 但却永远不会停息 boy always cold like you don't care 男孩你总是那么冷若冰霜 丝毫不在乎 I ain't ready to be ready again 可我并未准备好再次做好准备上路 I've tried to stopping thinking about you 我尝试将你从脑海中忘却 used to think the lie is the truth 可我曾总是对谎言信以为真 you said be a friend or in love with you 你说朋友与恋人之间抉择 I know I can't be both 我知道我无法兼备 uh 总是突然地崩溃 下一道题我想确定不是蒙对 有时只好推脱给状态不佳背锅 你的忽冷忽热总是让我望而生畏 你说我很窝心 那是我的细节 是你的吸引力过渡了每个季节 在心里声嘶力竭 你自然不会听到 我冰封在零下的心跳 boy u like an ice cube 男孩你冷若冰霜 I can't love you like you 我无法做到像你爱我一样爱着你 I don't have nothing to prove 我无需证明 I don't have nothing to prove 我无需证明 boy u like an ice cube 男孩你冷若冰霜 I can't love you like you 我无法做到像你爱我一样爱着你 I don't have nothing to prove 我无需证明 I don't have nothing to prove 我无需证明 boy u like an ice cube 男孩你冷若冰霜 ya 他是块剔透的冰 我要怎么将它融化 重塑降温的心 一想到他坚定的话语 怎么沉重的东西总是说的那么轻 前面分明有温暖的阳光正在等着我 可他一个眼神我就忘了什么该去做 脚下像是绑了铅球根本无法移动 我想浮生有他就算只是南柯一梦 I won't do nothing for him 我不会再为他做任何事情 yeah I think I must be kidding 我猜我肯定以为自己在开玩笑吧 I got such a good life 我现在过着大好生活 but it makes me feel aching 但却会令我内心隐隐作痛 他说让我忘掉过去受过的伤 因为我他融化成了一碗温暖的汤 可是担心这安心的光阴不在了 我时常会快乐的说我不快乐 每当我重新 打算开始一个人的生活 总有一个人又让我一个人又变得疯魔 I've tried to stopping thinking about you 我尝试将你从脑海中忘却 used to think the lie is the truth 可我曾总是对谎言信以为真 you said be a friend or in love with you 你说朋友与恋人之间抉择 I know I can't be both 我知道我无法兼备 I've tried to stopping thinking about you 我尝试将你从脑海中忘却 used to think the lie is the truth 可我曾总是对谎言信以为真 you said be a friend or in love with you 你说朋友与恋人之间抉择 I know I can't be both 我知道我无法兼备 boy u like an ice cube 男孩你冷若冰霜 I can't love you like you 我无法做到像你爱我一样爱着你 I don't have nothing to prove 我无需证明 I don't have nothing to prove 我无需证明 boy u like an ice cube 男孩你冷若冰霜 I can't love you like you 我无法做到像你爱我一样爱着你 I don't have nothing to prove 我无需证明 I don't have nothing to prove 我无需证明 boy u like an ice cube 男孩你冷若冰霜 boy u like an ice cube 男孩你冷若冰霜 boy u like an ice cube 男孩你冷若冰霜 监制:李俊驹 出品人:李宏杰 出品公司:WR/OC Records(北京惟又双文化传播有限公司) 收起