lrc 歌词
[Daddy X]The sent of god is here and I can smell it What the future holds there is no tellin Thats why I come out strong and twist me ends[Chorus] Let the rainfall Come and wash these tears away Let the rainfall Brings with it bright and sunny days Let the rainfall Come and clense my troubled soul Let the rainfall When you fell there's no place left to go Let the rainfall[Daddy X] Let the rain come clensing down Let it wash all the pain and our troubles away Let the clouds roll in Let the lighting strike Let the wind blow ferice and rivers rise It'll be alright just hold on tight We can make it through even the darkest of nights We when the fall of sunshine on mother earth We'll do a sun dance and we'll burn some herb We'll make a toast up to the gods Light a peace pipe and wish on a star This rain is a gift from the skies above And all living things get strength from the sun Now whats done is done and lets return to dust So in god we trust let him do what he must Cause we are what we are and thats all it is So let the rainfall down and lets live how we live[Chorus][Johnny Ritcher] Keep your head held high kid theres better days Good times ahead listen up keep what I sayThere that we talk about is a metphor for bad times Cause when the rain passes there always sunshine Suck it up don't give up when your pressed to much Making it through rough times only makes you tough It makes you strong it makes you a surviver You can do anything when you have you family by your side If you ain't got a family then turn to you friends If you friends then on you depend You'll make a better life for you and yours Slamming doors in your face only helps you out some more Don't let them get you down like shoots and ladders Makes you feel like your worth nothing till someone matters How you do and how you win if your happy or sad So let the rain wash away and be glad[Chorus][D-Loc] So I can wash it wall away In the sunshine and brighten up you days In this life time its kinda hard to get away From the pressures and pain but it'll be ok And thats why I try to be my best Test myself till every last breath Now I hold tight to whats right Stay strong and get along to The special one's in my life Here we go now it's time to shine And the world is mine I got my family by myside And i'm doing fine So i'm keep it me Stand tall and let the rain fall[Daddy X] So let it be whats its ganna be Let the rain fall down on me[Chorus][Daddy X (x2)]