Israel Kamakawiwo'ole
姓名: Israel kamakawiwo'ole
出生: 1959年
逝世: 1997年
IZ是夏威夷音乐里赫赫有名的歌唱家,擅长演唱和弹奏夏威夷四弦琴,全名ISRAEL KAMAKAWIWO’OLE,实在长,所以基本上歌迷们都昵称他为IZ。他于1959年出生于火奴鲁鲁(檀香山)一个名为Kaimuki的小镇上,后来移居到Makaha(马卡哈,夏威夷着名的旅游圣地)。IZ深深爱上了这个新家,为了表达他的热爱之情,IZ和他的哥哥Skippy Kamakawiwo'ole 以及其他三位朋友在70年代成立了一支名为The Makaha Sons(马卡哈之子)的乐队。
而在经历了这一切之后,IZ和他的朋友精心打造的两张专辑PUANA HOU ME KE ALOHA和HO`OLA也终于成为了经典,分别于85年和87年获得了夏威夷最佳传统音乐大奖,且卡马哈之子也三年内两次成为年度最佳乐团。此外,90年的Makaha Bash 3除了再次让他们成为最佳乐团外,还同时获得了Hokus大奖。
与此同时,IZ开始推出他自己的个人专辑,89年的KA`ANO`I是他个人第一张专辑,此后93年的FACING FUTURE的成功让世界开始注意IZ,而95年的E ALA E和96年的N DIS LIFE则令IZ的名声传遍世界。97年的时候,BILLBOARD杂志的资深乐评人Doug Reece惊叹道:“在97年全年52个星期的世界音乐榜上,其中只有7个星期没有出现ISRAEL KAMAKAWIWO’OLE的名字!”
然而,非常遗憾的是,辉煌的97年并没能让世界留下IZ,他的肥胖终于让他在97年6月离开了人世,年仅38岁的他去世时体重超过750磅,IZ去世后,他所在公司BIG BOY 在98年和2001年分别发行了IZ 的LIVE——“IZ IN CONCERT”和精选“Alone in Iz World”。
01年发行的这张《Alone in Iz World》专辑里面除了收录有IZ的经典名曲以外还发表了3首从未面世的作品"MONA LISA"、“HANOHANO NO NA COWBOY”和“TWINKLE, TWINKLE LITTER STAR”,这张唱片的销售成绩很是证明了人们并没有遗忘IZ,它发行没多久就登上了BILLBOARD世界音乐榜的冠军宝座,并在TOP TEN内徘徊了34个星期之久!这对一个逝世四年的音乐家而言是怎么的一种荣耀啊!
继出版了2张纪念专辑后,JON DE MELLO和乐队键盘手JACK再次整理了他逝世后留给我们的作品,出版了这张完美世界。在这张专辑中,有那首著名的WONDERFUL WORLD【他别具匠心地把Somewhere Over The Rainbow和What A Wonderful World这两支曲子串在一起用当地乐器演绎。在纯美的音乐后面,正是他深深而脉脉涌动的温情。相信很多人听到这首歌一定也不陌生,彩虹之上,一定有个美好的世界。在彩虹之上,有个遥远的地方。你敢拥有梦想,为何,为何我不能?】。
Israel Kamakawio'ole的歌曲不光用了本土的弹拨乐器, 而且还用当地的方言演唱,“卡卡,库库,碌碌”的发音跳悦性在耳边轻歌曼舞,不的不承认自己仿佛有小资的享受了。为音乐,小资一把也无大碍!上面遮阳的应该是大芭蕉叶,然后自己喝着自己采摘的椰子的椰子汁。音乐即是舞动的,又是懒散的,阳光不是射着来到了你的身边,而是像个徐徐降落的彩色气球般触摸了你的身体..........
The most popular entertainer in Hawaii until his tragic death in 1997, Israel Kamakawiwoole formed the traditional Makaha Sons as a teenager in the mid-70s, went out on his own in more of a contemporary style by the 1990s, and released four immensely popular recordings before passing away just after the release of 1996s N Dis Life. Born in the Honolulu suburb of Kaimuki, Kamakawiwoole later moved to nearby Makaha. In allegiance to his new home, Israel formed the Makaha Sons of Niihau with brother Skippy plus Louis Moon Kauakahi, Sam Gray and Jerome Koko. The Makaha Sons recorded No Kristo in 1976 and released five more albums during as many years, though Skippys death of a heart attack in 1982 came as quite a blow to his younger brother. The group soldiered on, and became Hawaiis most popular traditional group with breakout albums like 1984s Puana Hou Me Ke Aloha and its follow-up, 1986s Hoola.
Israel Kamakawiwoole decided to begin recording on his own with 1990s Ka Anoi, which became the most popular Hawaiian album of the year. Though he continued his solo career, by 1991 he had recorded with the Makaha Sons of Niihau again, and that years Makaha Bash 3 set still more records in Hawaii, thanks in part to the single Broken Promise. Another Makaha LP, Hooluana, appeared in 1992, though it was the last with Israel. His second solo effort, Facing Future, appeared in 1993, and 1995s E Ala E featured a reunited duet with Skippy, thanks to studio technology. Israel continued to win awards and sell very well with 1996s N Dis Life, but his ballooning weight problem (at times, he weighed over 750 pounds) caused his early death at the age of 38.
出生: 1959年
逝世: 1997年
IZ是夏威夷音乐里赫赫有名的歌唱家,擅长演唱和弹奏夏威夷四弦琴,全名ISRAEL KAMAKAWIWO’OLE,实在长,所以基本上歌迷们都昵称他为IZ。他于1959年出生于火奴鲁鲁(檀香山)一个名为Kaimuki的小镇上,后来移居到Makaha(马卡哈,夏威夷着名的旅游圣地)。IZ深深爱上了这个新家,为了表达他的热爱之情,IZ和他的哥哥Skippy Kamakawiwo'ole 以及其他三位朋友在70年代成立了一支名为The Makaha Sons(马卡哈之子)的乐队。
而在经历了这一切之后,IZ和他的朋友精心打造的两张专辑PUANA HOU ME KE ALOHA和HO`OLA也终于成为了经典,分别于85年和87年获得了夏威夷最佳传统音乐大奖,且卡马哈之子也三年内两次成为年度最佳乐团。此外,90年的Makaha Bash 3除了再次让他们成为最佳乐团外,还同时获得了Hokus大奖。
与此同时,IZ开始推出他自己的个人专辑,89年的KA`ANO`I是他个人第一张专辑,此后93年的FACING FUTURE的成功让世界开始注意IZ,而95年的E ALA E和96年的N DIS LIFE则令IZ的名声传遍世界。97年的时候,BILLBOARD杂志的资深乐评人Doug Reece惊叹道:“在97年全年52个星期的世界音乐榜上,其中只有7个星期没有出现ISRAEL KAMAKAWIWO’OLE的名字!”
然而,非常遗憾的是,辉煌的97年并没能让世界留下IZ,他的肥胖终于让他在97年6月离开了人世,年仅38岁的他去世时体重超过750磅,IZ去世后,他所在公司BIG BOY 在98年和2001年分别发行了IZ 的LIVE——“IZ IN CONCERT”和精选“Alone in Iz World”。
01年发行的这张《Alone in Iz World》专辑里面除了收录有IZ的经典名曲以外还发表了3首从未面世的作品"MONA LISA"、“HANOHANO NO NA COWBOY”和“TWINKLE, TWINKLE LITTER STAR”,这张唱片的销售成绩很是证明了人们并没有遗忘IZ,它发行没多久就登上了BILLBOARD世界音乐榜的冠军宝座,并在TOP TEN内徘徊了34个星期之久!这对一个逝世四年的音乐家而言是怎么的一种荣耀啊!
继出版了2张纪念专辑后,JON DE MELLO和乐队键盘手JACK再次整理了他逝世后留给我们的作品,出版了这张完美世界。在这张专辑中,有那首著名的WONDERFUL WORLD【他别具匠心地把Somewhere Over The Rainbow和What A Wonderful World这两支曲子串在一起用当地乐器演绎。在纯美的音乐后面,正是他深深而脉脉涌动的温情。相信很多人听到这首歌一定也不陌生,彩虹之上,一定有个美好的世界。在彩虹之上,有个遥远的地方。你敢拥有梦想,为何,为何我不能?】。
Israel Kamakawio'ole的歌曲不光用了本土的弹拨乐器, 而且还用当地的方言演唱,“卡卡,库库,碌碌”的发音跳悦性在耳边轻歌曼舞,不的不承认自己仿佛有小资的享受了。为音乐,小资一把也无大碍!上面遮阳的应该是大芭蕉叶,然后自己喝着自己采摘的椰子的椰子汁。音乐即是舞动的,又是懒散的,阳光不是射着来到了你的身边,而是像个徐徐降落的彩色气球般触摸了你的身体..........
The most popular entertainer in Hawaii until his tragic death in 1997, Israel Kamakawiwoole formed the traditional Makaha Sons as a teenager in the mid-70s, went out on his own in more of a contemporary style by the 1990s, and released four immensely popular recordings before passing away just after the release of 1996s N Dis Life. Born in the Honolulu suburb of Kaimuki, Kamakawiwoole later moved to nearby Makaha. In allegiance to his new home, Israel formed the Makaha Sons of Niihau with brother Skippy plus Louis Moon Kauakahi, Sam Gray and Jerome Koko. The Makaha Sons recorded No Kristo in 1976 and released five more albums during as many years, though Skippys death of a heart attack in 1982 came as quite a blow to his younger brother. The group soldiered on, and became Hawaiis most popular traditional group with breakout albums like 1984s Puana Hou Me Ke Aloha and its follow-up, 1986s Hoola.
Israel Kamakawiwoole decided to begin recording on his own with 1990s Ka Anoi, which became the most popular Hawaiian album of the year. Though he continued his solo career, by 1991 he had recorded with the Makaha Sons of Niihau again, and that years Makaha Bash 3 set still more records in Hawaii, thanks in part to the single Broken Promise. Another Makaha LP, Hooluana, appeared in 1992, though it was the last with Israel. His second solo effort, Facing Future, appeared in 1993, and 1995s E Ala E featured a reunited duet with Skippy, thanks to studio technology. Israel continued to win awards and sell very well with 1996s N Dis Life, but his ballooning weight problem (at times, he weighed over 750 pounds) caused his early death at the age of 38.