提起瑞典DRACONIAN乐队,可追溯到94年5月,那时鼓手兼主唱Johan Ericson,吉他手Andy Hindenas和贝司兼另外一位主唱Jesper Stolpe组建了KERBEROS,一支融入黑金属元素的旋律重型死亡金属乐队。7个月后,随领衔主唱兼诗人Anders Jacobsson加入,乐队更名至今日。
数月后,DRACONIAN不断研究新作品,95年10月27日在Kallgren录音室制作首张demo,作品的完成恰恰在首场演出后一周。在长笛兼主唱Jessica Eriksson,主唱兼键盘Susanne Arvidsson及首曲”My Nemesis”负责人Andreas haag的帮助下完成了”Shades of a Lost Moon”,这张作品直到1996年2月才公布于众,此间,乐队的一个老友吉他手Magnus “Bergis” Bergstrom加入了DRACONIAN。
“Shades of a Lost Moon”收到来自各地的好评,并推荐给众多唱片公司,然而没有实质性的结果,到97年1月底,DRACONIAN开始录制第二张demo”In Glorious Victory”,由于对音色的不满,这张作品没有发行。
之后的几个月因为服军役的缘故,DRACONIAN默默的进行排练与编曲准备,由于Susanne的个人因素被Andreas替代,随着乐队人员的更动,逐渐的DRACONIAN形成了一种自有的氛围的、旋律的,带有哥特情感的金属风格。98、99年DRACONIAN全力投身现场表演,积极的反馈奠定了乐队再次返回录音室的信息。99年8月初,DRACONIAN进入Kuling录音室录制”The Closed Eye of Paradise”,一张围绕神秘、黑暗的撒旦、堕落天使、上帝的真面及反对战争为主题的作品,这张专集Susanne再次以客串主唱出现。不幸的是,录制非常不理想,无法达到DRACONIAN的高标准,在正式发行前乐队做了些再处理,2000年5月-6月间Andreas,Anders和Johan又试图提高demo的质量,在获得了一些提高后最终发行了这张demo。
完成这张作品,DRACONIAN马不停蹄地开始准备新的创作,此时,乐队的音乐风格变得更慢、更黑暗,更加doom,这种元素使DRACONIAN逐渐转向另外一个方向,在promo”Frozen Features”中很明显的能够感到。
在录制了”Frozen Features”没多久,Johan更换了Andy,由Jerry接任鼓手的位置,乐队尝试着阵容的变换,他们自行录制的最后一张demo”Dark Oceans We Cry”于2002年夏天完成,这张作品使乐队处于聚光灯下,受到了非常高的评价,乐队也获得了与Napalm唱片公司长期的合约。Jerrys的朋友Lisa Johansson作为女主唱也加入乐队,而jesper不久离开了乐队去学习,一直默默在背后支持乐队的Thomas Jager代替了他的位置。
2003年6月DRACONIAN进入Mega录音室录制他们在Napalm旗下首张作品”Where Lovers Mourn”,专集的封面与内页设计由Travis Smith创作,封面非常精美,充满黑暗与伤痛感,捕捉了乐队音乐的精髓,该张作品于10月发行,收到了舆论与乐迷的赞美,随之DRACONIAN开始了宣传与接受各类采访,扩大自己的知名度,同时也没有放弃新作品的创作,并于2004年7月进入Dug-Out录音室准备第二张专集”Arcane Rain Fell”,该专集封面依旧由Travis执笔,依旧保持了原有的水准,晦涩与哀伤从中飘出。
05年第一个月,DRACONIAN带来了第二张大碟"Arcane Rain Fell",虽然只是年头,已经会是这年度其中一张最佳厄运金属专辑。这次他们改变了自己,从歌德转移向厄运,但相同的,是音乐的高质素。
一阵雷雨声,为这张以堕落天使为主题的厄运金属大作揭开序幕。第一个音符响起,已经偏离了一些人的期望:结他破声抢过了上作中地位超然的键琴,这次乐队更关注沉重的riff之进行,速度较慢,音乐亦更简约,键琴只作为交响背景和间中出现的钢琴而且毫不突出,上集诱人的小提琴亦不见了。最大的「问题」,会是上作的焦点女声这次退为配角,绝大部份时间都是男主音负责演唱,他用到死腔、清腔、低吟等唱法,女声只是间或出现点缀,所以这一作整体上来得比上张重。如果以听"Where Lovers Mourn"的心态迎接"Arcane Rain Fell",先入为主的话会很容易导致失望收场,这一次则会更接近厄运金属,不如上作般可当作gothic doom一类,美感和音色丰富方面是有所不及,但会是更加重型和低沉。也和上作一样,起初的歌曲反而是最缺色彩的,越后的歌曲越有味道,这一次最长的作品不是放在最前而是最后,这十五分鐘半长的终曲"Death, Come Near Me",可说是全专辑甚至是乐队最光辉的一刹,女主音在这裏有着很多的出场机会,键琴的运用亦更加广泛多变,另外美国厄运金属乐团NECARE的主音Ryan Henry亦在这曲客串。这一曲有相当潜质成为经典。
虽然风格不同,DRACONIAN仍然能保持水準,这两张唱片亦适合不同的听眾群,偏好女声与华丽编排与歌德美的会喜欢"Where Lovers Mourn",而较接受重型音色和传统厄运金属,便应该尝试"Arcane Rain Fell"这部佳作。
Originally a three piece formed in Saffle, Sweden in the spring of 1994, Draconian — at that time — went by the name Kerberos, and was a metal band that fused touches of death metal, melodic metal, and a little bit of black metal to round out their sound. At the end of that first year, the band took on vocalist Anders Jacobsson, and with the new set up, changed their name to Draconian. The band's first demo, Shades of a Lost Moon, was released in 1996, and was the result of their initial round of songwriting and arranging. A second demo was scrapped in 1997, a fate which also befell their first attempts at creating a debut album, and the group continued to hash out their sound on a series of demos. Although an EP was available in 2000 (the 2 track Frozen Features), it was the 2002 demo work that went by the name of Dark Oceans We Cry that solidified their sound — adding the vocal work of Lisa Johansson for starters — and snagging the band a deal, with Napalm Records. Finally, after a number of years fine tuning their sound, Draconian recorded and released the 2003 — official — full length debut, Where Lovers Mourn. After fan support was built with the follow up album, Arcane Rain Fell, in 2005, Draconian took a rest from recording new material to rework some old material into an album for long time fans. The collection, entitled The Burning Halo, included work from the Closed Eyes of Paradise demo (dating back to 1999), as well as a handful of new tracks and covers. Finally, in 2007, Draconian got back to the work of crafting album number four (or three, technically speaking.) The resulting work, Turning Season Within, was released in 2008, and was quickly followed by the single, "No Greater Sorrow."
提起瑞典DRACONIAN乐队,可追溯到94年5月,那时鼓手兼主唱Johan Ericson,吉他手Andy Hindenas和贝司兼另外一位主唱Jesper Stolpe组建了KERBEROS,一支融入黑金属元素的旋律重型死亡金属乐队。7个月后,随领衔主唱兼诗人Anders Jacobsson加入,乐队更名至今日。
数月后,DRACONIAN不断研究新作品,95年10月27日在Kallgren录音室制作首张demo,作品的完成恰恰在首场演出后一周。在长笛兼主唱Jessica Eriksson,主唱兼键盘Susanne Arvidsson及首曲”My Nemesis”负责人Andreas haag的帮助下完成了”Shades of a Lost Moon”,这张作品直到1996年2月才公布于众,此间,乐队的一个老友吉他手Magnus “Bergis” Bergstrom加入了DRACONIAN。
“Shades of a Lost Moon”收到来自各地的好评,并推荐给众多唱片公司,然而没有实质性的结果,到97年1月底,DRACONIAN开始录制第二张demo”In Glorious Victory”,由于对音色的不满,这张作品没有发行。
之后的几个月因为服军役的缘故,DRACONIAN默默的进行排练与编曲准备,由于Susanne的个人因素被Andreas替代,随着乐队人员的更动,逐渐的DRACONIAN形成了一种自有的氛围的、旋律的,带有哥特情感的金属风格。98、99年DRACONIAN全力投身现场表演,积极的反馈奠定了乐队再次返回录音室的信息。99年8月初,DRACONIAN进入Kuling录音室录制”The Closed Eye of Paradise”,一张围绕神秘、黑暗的撒旦、堕落天使、上帝的真面及反对战争为主题的作品,这张专集Susanne再次以客串主唱出现。不幸的是,录制非常不理想,无法达到DRACONIAN的高标准,在正式发行前乐队做了些再处理,2000年5月-6月间Andreas,Anders和Johan又试图提高demo的质量,在获得了一些提高后最终发行了这张demo。
完成这张作品,DRACONIAN马不停蹄地开始准备新的创作,此时,乐队的音乐风格变得更慢、更黑暗,更加doom,这种元素使DRACONIAN逐渐转向另外一个方向,在promo”Frozen Features”中很明显的能够感到。
在录制了”Frozen Features”没多久,Johan更换了Andy,由Jerry接任鼓手的位置,乐队尝试着阵容的变换,他们自行录制的最后一张demo”Dark Oceans We Cry”于2002年夏天完成,这张作品使乐队处于聚光灯下,受到了非常高的评价,乐队也获得了与Napalm唱片公司长期的合约。Jerrys的朋友Lisa Johansson作为女主唱也加入乐队,而jesper不久离开了乐队去学习,一直默默在背后支持乐队的Thomas Jager代替了他的位置。
2003年6月DRACONIAN进入Mega录音室录制他们在Napalm旗下首张作品”Where Lovers Mourn”,专集的封面与内页设计由Travis Smith创作,封面非常精美,充满黑暗与伤痛感,捕捉了乐队音乐的精髓,该张作品于10月发行,收到了舆论与乐迷的赞美,随之DRACONIAN开始了宣传与接受各类采访,扩大自己的知名度,同时也没有放弃新作品的创作,并于2004年7月进入Dug-Out录音室准备第二张专集”Arcane Rain Fell”,该专集封面依旧由Travis执笔,依旧保持了原有的水准,晦涩与哀伤从中飘出。
05年第一个月,DRACONIAN带来了第二张大碟"Arcane Rain Fell",虽然只是年头,已经会是这年度其中一张最佳厄运金属专辑。这次他们改变了自己,从歌德转移向厄运,但相同的,是音乐的高质素。
一阵雷雨声,为这张以堕落天使为主题的厄运金属大作揭开序幕。第一个音符响起,已经偏离了一些人的期望:结他破声抢过了上作中地位超然的键琴,这次乐队更关注沉重的riff之进行,速度较慢,音乐亦更简约,键琴只作为交响背景和间中出现的钢琴而且毫不突出,上集诱人的小提琴亦不见了。最大的「问题」,会是上作的焦点女声这次退为配角,绝大部份时间都是男主音负责演唱,他用到死腔、清腔、低吟等唱法,女声只是间或出现点缀,所以这一作整体上来得比上张重。如果以听"Where Lovers Mourn"的心态迎接"Arcane Rain Fell",先入为主的话会很容易导致失望收场,这一次则会更接近厄运金属,不如上作般可当作gothic doom一类,美感和音色丰富方面是有所不及,但会是更加重型和低沉。也和上作一样,起初的歌曲反而是最缺色彩的,越后的歌曲越有味道,这一次最长的作品不是放在最前而是最后,这十五分鐘半长的终曲"Death, Come Near Me",可说是全专辑甚至是乐队最光辉的一刹,女主音在这裏有着很多的出场机会,键琴的运用亦更加广泛多变,另外美国厄运金属乐团NECARE的主音Ryan Henry亦在这曲客串。这一曲有相当潜质成为经典。
虽然风格不同,DRACONIAN仍然能保持水準,这两张唱片亦适合不同的听眾群,偏好女声与华丽编排与歌德美的会喜欢"Where Lovers Mourn",而较接受重型音色和传统厄运金属,便应该尝试"Arcane Rain Fell"这部佳作。
Originally a three piece formed in Saffle, Sweden in the spring of 1994, Draconian — at that time — went by the name Kerberos, and was a metal band that fused touches of death metal, melodic metal, and a little bit of black metal to round out their sound. At the end of that first year, the band took on vocalist Anders Jacobsson, and with the new set up, changed their name to Draconian. The band's first demo, Shades of a Lost Moon, was released in 1996, and was the result of their initial round of songwriting and arranging. A second demo was scrapped in 1997, a fate which also befell their first attempts at creating a debut album, and the group continued to hash out their sound on a series of demos. Although an EP was available in 2000 (the 2 track Frozen Features), it was the 2002 demo work that went by the name of Dark Oceans We Cry that solidified their sound — adding the vocal work of Lisa Johansson for starters — and snagging the band a deal, with Napalm Records. Finally, after a number of years fine tuning their sound, Draconian recorded and released the 2003 — official — full length debut, Where Lovers Mourn. After fan support was built with the follow up album, Arcane Rain Fell, in 2005, Draconian took a rest from recording new material to rework some old material into an album for long time fans. The collection, entitled The Burning Halo, included work from the Closed Eyes of Paradise demo (dating back to 1999), as well as a handful of new tracks and covers. Finally, in 2007, Draconian got back to the work of crafting album number four (or three, technically speaking.) The resulting work, Turning Season Within, was released in 2008, and was quickly followed by the single, "No Greater Sorrow."