Stevie Ray Vaughan & Double Trouble
Stevie Ray Vaughan是20世纪最伟大的吉他手之一,他以自己独特的演奏方法,点燃了80年代Blues音乐的火焰。Vaughan的音乐曾受Atbert King、 Otis Rush 、Muddy Waters的影响,而Rock&Roll乐手Jimi Hendrix、 lonnie Mark也为他的音乐增添了一些灵感,同时,他也从Jazz吉他手KennyBurrel那吸收了其风格特点,从而发展出Vaughan与众不同的火暴风格,这是与其他吉他手截然不同的的另类风格。Vaughan在Blues和Rock之间搭起了桥梁,这是从60年代至今无人能及的。Vaughan成为美国blues领域的亮点,举办音乐会,发行专辑且达白金唱片销量。90年他的遂死,对于美国Blues和Rock & Rall领域产生了强大震撼。
Vaughan出生并生长在Dallas,他从小开始练习吉他,灵感来自于他的哥哥Jimmie。高中时,他与一些街头乐队一起演奏,偶尔也在当地的夜总会演奏。17岁时,他便全身心致力于音乐之中。他组建的第一支乐队是 The Cobras。70年代中期,他们在Austin的俱乐部和酒吧里演出,随着乐队的成熟,。Vaughan在1975年成立了包括贝司手Jackie Newhanse、鼓手Chris Layton、歌手Ann Bastin在内的Triple Threat Triple Threat,在Texas酒吧俱乐部演奏几年后,在1978年Barton离开乐队而乐队仍继续在Duble Trouble的名义下演出,而Vaughan也成为乐队的主唱。在接下的几年里,他们成为Texas最受欢迎的乐队之一。1982年,乐队在Montreax Festil上演出,他们的精彩表演受到David Bowie和Jackson Bromme的关注,演出后Bowie又邀请他们参与录制自己即将推出的唱片,同时Browne还提供给乐队Los Angeles工作室的免费录音机会。随后,John Hammond、Sr.Landed、Vaughan和Double Trouble/在Dowwtown用了不到一周的时间为Epic乐队录制了首张唱片。
Vaughan的首张唱片《Toxas Flood》在1983年夏天推出,这张专辑在乐坛中产生了巨大的轰动,上榜38名的成绩和各大电台的频频播放,引起了Blues和Rock领域的广泛关注。同年,Vaughan为Bowie的巡演担任主音吉他,他与Double的精彩合作使这次的巡演取得了巨大的成功。1984年5月,第二张专辑《Couldn’t Stand The Weather》出版,成绩瞩目,并在1985年末上升到第31位。在第三张专辑录制前,键盘手Reese Wgnans加入乐队,随后专辑在8月出版,同样也取得了巨大的成功,排在排行榜34位。
尽管Vaughan的事业如日中天,可酗酒和药物却使他的身体每况愈下,但是Vaughan仍然在音乐中不断的鞭策自己。在1986年现场录音版《Live Alive》推出后,他开始了他的美国之旅,他需要静静的修养几个月的时间。
1988年,Vaughan接了大量的演出,包括在New Orleans的以Jazz & Heritage Festival为标题的短期演出。1989年6月,他的第四张专辑出版 ,这是他最成功的专辑,上榜位置33位,并且这张专辑取得了德国Best Contemporary Blues Recording白金唱片。1990春天,Vaughan和他的兄弟Jimme录制了一张唱片,两位吉他大师的精彩演绎堪称佳作。
1990年8月26日,Vaughan在参加完包括Eric Clopton 、Bnddy Cuy 、Jimmie Vaughan 和Reber Cray演出的演唱会后,乘坐12:30的飞机飞往Chicago,由于飞机在飞行中出现故障,Vaughan不幸遇难,年仅35岁。在他去世以后,他的家人和合作伙伴为了纪念他出版了大量的专辑,使Vaughan的乐迷们大受欢迎。这些专辑包括Jimmie Vaughan在1991年推出的《The Sky is Crying》,1992年出版的Double Trouble1980年演唱会录音集等。
With his astonishingly accomplished guitar playing, Stevie Ray Vaughan ignited the blues revival of the 80s. Vaughan drew equally from bluesmen like Albert King, Otis Rush, and Muddy Waters and rock & roll players like Jimi Hendrix and Lonnie Mack, as well as the stray jazz guitarist like Kenny Burrell, developing a uniquely eclectic and fiery style that sounded like no other guitarist, regardless of genre. Vaughan bridged the gap between blues and rock like no other artist had since the late 60s. For the next seven years, Stevie Ray was the leading light in American blues, consistently selling out concerts while his albums regularly went gold. His tragic death in 1990 only emphasized his influence in blues and American rock & roll.
Born and raised in Dallas, Vaughan began playing guitar as a child, inspired by older brother Jimmie. When he was in junior high school, he began playing in a number of garage bands, which occasionally landed gigs in local nightclubs. By the time he was 17, he had dropped out of high school to concentrate on playing music. Vaughans first real band was the Cobras, who played clubs and bars in Austin during the mid-70s. Following that groups demise, he formed Triple Threat in 1975. Triple Threat also featured bassist Jackie Newhouse, drummer Chris Layton, and vocalist Lou Ann Barton. After a few years of playing Texas bars and clubs, Barton left the band in 1978. The group decided to continue performing under the name Double Trouble, which was inspired by the Otis Rush song of the same name; Vaughan became the bands lead singer.
For the next few years, Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble played the Austin area, becoming one of the most popular bands in Texas. In 1982, the band played the Montreux Festival and their performance caught the attention of David Bowie and Jackson Browne. After Double Troubles performance, Bowie asked Vaughan to play on his forthcoming album, while Browne offered the group free recording time at his Los Angeles studio, Downtown; both offers were accepted. Stevie Ray laid down the lead guitar tracks for what became Bowies Lets Dance album in late 1982. Shortly afterward, John Hammond, Sr. landed Vaughan and Double Trouble a record contract with Epic, and the band recorded its debut album in less than a week at Downtown.
Vaughans debut album, Texas Flood, was released in the summer of 1983, a few months after Bowies Lets Dance appeared. On its own, Lets Dance earned Vaughan quite a bit of attention, but Texas Flood was a blockbuster blues success; receiving positive reviews in both blues and rock publications, reaching number 38 on the charts, and crossing over to album rock radio stations. Bowie offered Vaughan the lead guitarist role for his 1983 stadium tour, but he turned him down, preferring to play with Double Trouble. Vaughan and Double Trouble set off on a successful tour and quickly recorded their second album, Couldnt Stand the Weather, which was released in May of 1984. The album was more successful than its predecessor, reaching number 31 on the charts; by the end of 1985, the album went gold. Double Trouble added keyboardist Reese Wynans in 1985, before they recorded their third album, Soul to Soul. The record was released in August 1985 and was also quite successful, reaching number 34 on the charts.
Although his professional career was soaring, Vaughan was sinking deep into alcoholism and drug addiction. Despite his declining health, Vaughan continued to push himself, releasing the double live album Live Alive in October of 1986 and launching an extensive American tour in early 1987. Following the tour, Vaughan checked into a rehabilitation clinic. The guitarists time in rehab was kept fairly quiet, and for the next year Stevie Ray and Double Trouble were fairly inactive. Vaughan performed a number of concerts in 1988, including a headlining gig at the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival, and wrote his fourth album. The resulting record, In Step, appeared in June of 1989 and became his most successful album, peaking at number 33 on the charts, earning a Grammy for Best Contemporary Blues Recording, and going gold just over six months after its release.
In the spring of 1990, Stevie Ray recorded an album with his brother Jimmie, which was scheduled for release in the fall of the year. In the late summer of 1990, Vaughan and Double Trouble set out on an American headlining tour. On August 26, 1990, their East Troy, WI, gig concluded with an encore jam featuring guitarists Eric Clapton, Buddy Guy, Jimmie Vaughan, and Robert Cray. After the concert, Stevie Ray boarded a helicopter bound for Chicago. Minutes after its 12:30 a.m. takeoff, the helicopter crashed, killing Vaughan and the other four passengers. He was only 35 years old.
Family Style, Stevie Rays duet album with Jimmie, appeared in October and entered the charts at number seven. Family Style began a series of posthumous releases that were as popular as the albums Vaughan released during his lifetime. The Sky Is Crying, a collection of studio outtakes compiled by Jimmie, was released in October of 1991; it entered the charts at number ten and went platinum three months after its release. In the Beginning, a recording of a Double Trouble concert in 1980, was released in the fall of 1992 and the compilation Greatest Hits was released in 1995. In 1999, Vaughans original albums were remastered and reissued, with The Real Deal: Greatest Hits, Vol. 2 also appearing that year. 2000 saw the release of the four-disc box SRV, which concentrated heavily on outtakes, live performances, and rarities.
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