Wilhelm Kempff



职 业:钢琴家、管风琴家

国 籍:德国





性 别:男


威廉·肯普夫(1895-1991) Wilhelm Kempff 德国钢琴家、作曲家、教育家。9岁进柏林高等音乐学校学钢琴和作曲。后来除学音乐外,同时在柏林大学学哲学和音乐史。21岁起作为钢琴家和管风琴家在德国和北欧巡回演出;22岁举行钢琴独奏会,同年获门德尔松钢琴与作曲奖;23岁作为钢琴独奏家与柏林爱乐乐团合作演出。此后30年,其足迹遍及欧洲、南美洲和日本,1951年在
伦敦,1964年在纽约举行过独奏会。 肯普夫还是一个出色的教师,1924-1929年任斯图加特高等音乐学校校长并领导钢琴高级班。二战结束后,肯普夫作为当代德国钢琴家的代表人物,受到人们尊崇,成为贝多芬、舒伯特、舒曼、勃拉姆斯钢琴作品的权威演奏家。他的演奏含蓄细腻,织体清晰,亲切高贵;音色如歌,分句和速度自然而合理,丝毫没有矫柔造作、追求外在效果的倾向。他录制了贝多芬和舒伯特全部钢琴奏鸣曲和其他作曲家钢琴作品的唱片,并编辑出版了舒曼钢琴作品选集。作为作曲家,他创作了歌剧、芭蕾舞剧、交响乐、室内乐、钢琴和管风琴的作品。 威廉·肯普夫(1895-1991) Wilhelm Kempff 德国钢琴家、作曲家、教育家。9岁进柏林高等音乐学校学钢琴和作曲。后来除学音乐外,同时在柏林大学学哲学和音乐史。21岁起作为钢琴家和管风琴家在德国和北欧巡回演出;22岁举行钢琴独奏会,同年获门德尔松钢琴与作曲奖;23岁作为钢琴独奏家与柏林爱乐乐团合作演出。此后30年,其足迹遍及欧洲、南美洲和日本,1951年在伦敦,1964年在纽约举行过独奏会。 肯普夫还是一个出色的教师,1924-1929年任斯图加特高等音乐学校校长并领导钢琴高级班。二战结束后,肯普夫作为当代德国钢琴家的代表人物,受到人们尊崇,成为贝多芬、舒伯特、舒曼、勃拉姆斯钢琴作品的权威演奏家。他的演奏含蓄细腻,织体清晰,亲切高贵;音色如歌,分句和速度自然而合理,丝毫没有矫柔造作、追求外在效果的倾向。他录制了贝多芬和舒伯特全部钢琴奏鸣曲和其他作曲家钢琴作品的唱片,并编辑出版了舒曼钢琴作品选集。作为作曲家,他创作了歌剧、芭蕾舞剧、交响乐、室内乐、钢琴和管风琴的作品。
empff was born (1895 in Jüterbog, Brandenburg, Germany) in a family of distinguished church musicians. His father was his first teacher. He entered the Hochschule für Musik Berlin at age nine (deeply impressing the directors with his playing, improvisation and compositions) did furthur study in Potsdam, and finished up in Berlin 1916 also studying philosopy and music history.
His first appearance as a soloist was with the Berlin Phil Orch in 1918, Beethovens G major piano concerto under Arthur Nikisch.....Scandinavian tours continued after the war, culminating in a award bestowed on him by King Gustav of Sweden.
He was music director of Musikhochschule Stuttgart 1924-1929, and married piano pupil Helene Freiin Hiller in 1926. In 1927 took his first trip to Turkey and met with president Atatürk offering advice on appointments to Ankara college of music.
Then taught at Potsdam 1931-1941 with Edwin Fischer and Walter Gieseking. Premiere of his second opera "family Gozzi" in 1934 to good notices. He composed many works for orchestra, piano, organ, chamber ensembles and songs.
In 1951 he published his autobiography, ""Unter dem Zimbelstern, das Werden eines Musikers"
His first London concert in 1951 launched his strong international career (tho his first of many trips to Japan took place in 1936)
His first visit to US was for concerts in New York City, 1964
1969 TV broadcast of Beethoven's Piano Concerto G major with Rafael Kubelik (someone post that!!)
UNESCO Concert (1974) in Paris with Yehudi Menuhin and Mstislav Rostropovitch.
1979 was his last concert with orchestra, Beethovens piano concerto G major with the Philharmonia Orchestra under Vladimir Ashkenazy.
1981 his second book came out "Was ich hörte, was ich sah".
23 May 1991, William Kempff died. He is buried in the private forest cemetery of the Baron von Künssberg at Upper Franconia.

所有专辑:1 贝多芬:致爱丽丝 发行时间:2008-10-302 舒伯特钢琴奏鸣曲集 DISC 5(Schu... 发行时间:2000-10-103 舒伯特钢琴奏鸣曲集 DISC 1(Schu... 发行时间:2000-10-104 舒伯特钢琴奏鸣曲集 DISC 2(Schu... 发行时间:2000-10-105 舒伯特钢琴奏鸣曲集 DISC 3(Schu... 发行时间:2000-10-106 舒伯特钢琴奏鸣曲集 DISC 6(Schu... 发行时间:2000-10-107 舒伯特钢琴奏鸣曲集 DISC 7(Schu... 发行时间:2000-10-108 舒伯特钢琴奏鸣曲集 DISC 4(Schu... 发行时间:2000-10-10
9 威廉·肯普夫:勃拉姆斯钢琴作品1... 发行时间:1992-01-01

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