Love Spirals Downwards
LOVE SPIRALS DOWNWARDS 无疑是“天音”流派(Ethereal genre)中的开路人马。已有十多年历史的 PROJEKT 唱片厂牌包罗了哥特、电子、环境音乐及其他各种唯美音乐,而 LOVE SPIRALS DOWNWARDS 是 PROJEKT 旗下的开国臣子之一。通观其音乐生涯,他们总是在同类乐队中领先一步,将最新的声响效果、音乐风格和音响技术引入所谓的“地下”音乐圈。凭着其音乐魅力, LOVE SPIRALS DOWNWARDS 将“天音”流派呈现给众多乐迷,并为该流派的后起之秀铺路架桥。
故事始于1991年的洛杉矶,乐队最初是从“在自己家里录音”开始的,Ryan Lum 用一个四轨录音机将自己用吉他和键盘创作的曲子录了下来。命运的安排使 Suzanne Perry 跟 Ryan 走到了一起,配合着 Ryan 那动听的音乐,没有演唱经验的 Suzanne 用她那未经雕琢的嗓音跃跃欲试地歌唱着。很快地,两人用 Ryan 那新买的八轨录音设备录制好了小样,LOVE SPIRALS DOWNWARDS 乐队就这样诞生了。
在出版了5张专辑之后,Ryan Lum 使用最先进的电脑数码录音技术,跟许多歌手和音乐人合作,以求创作出独特的跳舞音乐。Ryan 总是赶在潮流最前缘,他利用DJ这样一个媒体来宣传自己的乐队,后来他已成为“天音+ Drum & Bass”音乐圈子里最迷幻、最爵士化的DJ。
由于其使用的录音技术和独特的听觉效果,LOVE SPIRALS DOWNWARDS 所营造的音乐气氛容易使人进入冥想状态,他们的音乐灵感源于正统哲学、佛学、神秘主义、西班牙颂诗和杰克·克鲁亚克的美国自由体诗篇等等,足见他们的音乐艺术所涵括的精神素养之深之广。
乐队在1992年出版的首张专辑《Idylls》,层迭交错的吉他和温暖轻快的女声为听者带来耳目一新的华丽音效。LOVE SPIRALS DOWNWARDS 预示着“天音”这一音乐流派的到来,他们很快就赢得了一批追随者,并受到权威音乐报章杂志的好评。
第二张专辑《Ardor》于1994年发行,LOVE SPIRALS DOWNWARDS 在音乐表现技巧上更上一层楼,经过电子处理的吉他更虚无缥缈,并且有意地将人声作为一件乐器、作为主旋律的载体,他们将暖洋洋的如梦如幻的意识形态用音乐表现出来,将自己想象中的幻景更清晰地呈现在听者面前。《Ardor》显示出 LOVE SPIRALS DOWNWARDS 在音乐上不甘重复,追求创新的精神,同时也是他们在音乐上大有长进的力证。
LOVE SPIRALS DOWNWARDS 在1996年的专辑《Ever》,是他们迄今为止音乐风格最为多样化的作品。“这张专辑广泛地将民谣、原声音乐、电子、环境音乐等元素融会贯通在一起,” Ryan Lum 如是说。他们花了一年半时间在自己家里录制这张销魂醉人的《Ever》。
受到环境音乐中 drum & bass 风格的影响,乐队灵魂 Ryan Lum 将 LOVE SPIRALS DOWNWARDS 那招牌天音女声和轻飘飘的吉他跟 breakbeat 节奏相结合,其结晶便是《Flux》。该专辑的声响层次非常丰富,能抚慰你的心灵、按摩你的头脑。
Love Spirals Downward (L.S.D. for short) formed in Los Angeles in 1991 when guitarist, keyboardist, and composer Ryan Lum asked Suzanne Perry to record vocals over some music he had written. The positive results led to a recorded demo, and by late 1992, the duo released their first album, Idylls, on the ethereal Projekt label. Their debut maintained a strong Cocteau Twins vibe, but they differed from that group by virtue of Perry's distinct vocal style and a dreamier, folksier sound that manifested itself on subsequent releases, each of which have shown L.S.D. more strongly defining their personal style, slowly but gradually stripping away the processing and becoming more acoustically based. In fact, their sporadic North American shows have generally featured Lum on acoustic guitar and Perry singing. Ever shows them experimenting with modern electronica, also evidenced by an ethereal drum'n'bass tune performed at the 1997 Projekt Festival in Chicago. Flux followed in 1998. Throughout their career, the duo have maintained a strong following among the Goth set, even though their audiences are far more varied than that. Ethereal folk is the best way to describe them, for they fit neither the image nor the dark mood of the Gothic genre, although their occasional melancholic edge does explain the connection. By the new millennium, Lum started the Lovespirals project with singer/songwriter Anji Bee on vocals. Lovespirals issued Windblown Kiss in summer 2002.
故事始于1991年的洛杉矶,乐队最初是从“在自己家里录音”开始的,Ryan Lum 用一个四轨录音机将自己用吉他和键盘创作的曲子录了下来。命运的安排使 Suzanne Perry 跟 Ryan 走到了一起,配合着 Ryan 那动听的音乐,没有演唱经验的 Suzanne 用她那未经雕琢的嗓音跃跃欲试地歌唱着。很快地,两人用 Ryan 那新买的八轨录音设备录制好了小样,LOVE SPIRALS DOWNWARDS 乐队就这样诞生了。
在出版了5张专辑之后,Ryan Lum 使用最先进的电脑数码录音技术,跟许多歌手和音乐人合作,以求创作出独特的跳舞音乐。Ryan 总是赶在潮流最前缘,他利用DJ这样一个媒体来宣传自己的乐队,后来他已成为“天音+ Drum & Bass”音乐圈子里最迷幻、最爵士化的DJ。
由于其使用的录音技术和独特的听觉效果,LOVE SPIRALS DOWNWARDS 所营造的音乐气氛容易使人进入冥想状态,他们的音乐灵感源于正统哲学、佛学、神秘主义、西班牙颂诗和杰克·克鲁亚克的美国自由体诗篇等等,足见他们的音乐艺术所涵括的精神素养之深之广。
乐队在1992年出版的首张专辑《Idylls》,层迭交错的吉他和温暖轻快的女声为听者带来耳目一新的华丽音效。LOVE SPIRALS DOWNWARDS 预示着“天音”这一音乐流派的到来,他们很快就赢得了一批追随者,并受到权威音乐报章杂志的好评。
第二张专辑《Ardor》于1994年发行,LOVE SPIRALS DOWNWARDS 在音乐表现技巧上更上一层楼,经过电子处理的吉他更虚无缥缈,并且有意地将人声作为一件乐器、作为主旋律的载体,他们将暖洋洋的如梦如幻的意识形态用音乐表现出来,将自己想象中的幻景更清晰地呈现在听者面前。《Ardor》显示出 LOVE SPIRALS DOWNWARDS 在音乐上不甘重复,追求创新的精神,同时也是他们在音乐上大有长进的力证。
LOVE SPIRALS DOWNWARDS 在1996年的专辑《Ever》,是他们迄今为止音乐风格最为多样化的作品。“这张专辑广泛地将民谣、原声音乐、电子、环境音乐等元素融会贯通在一起,” Ryan Lum 如是说。他们花了一年半时间在自己家里录制这张销魂醉人的《Ever》。
受到环境音乐中 drum & bass 风格的影响,乐队灵魂 Ryan Lum 将 LOVE SPIRALS DOWNWARDS 那招牌天音女声和轻飘飘的吉他跟 breakbeat 节奏相结合,其结晶便是《Flux》。该专辑的声响层次非常丰富,能抚慰你的心灵、按摩你的头脑。
Love Spirals Downward (L.S.D. for short) formed in Los Angeles in 1991 when guitarist, keyboardist, and composer Ryan Lum asked Suzanne Perry to record vocals over some music he had written. The positive results led to a recorded demo, and by late 1992, the duo released their first album, Idylls, on the ethereal Projekt label. Their debut maintained a strong Cocteau Twins vibe, but they differed from that group by virtue of Perry's distinct vocal style and a dreamier, folksier sound that manifested itself on subsequent releases, each of which have shown L.S.D. more strongly defining their personal style, slowly but gradually stripping away the processing and becoming more acoustically based. In fact, their sporadic North American shows have generally featured Lum on acoustic guitar and Perry singing. Ever shows them experimenting with modern electronica, also evidenced by an ethereal drum'n'bass tune performed at the 1997 Projekt Festival in Chicago. Flux followed in 1998. Throughout their career, the duo have maintained a strong following among the Goth set, even though their audiences are far more varied than that. Ethereal folk is the best way to describe them, for they fit neither the image nor the dark mood of the Gothic genre, although their occasional melancholic edge does explain the connection. By the new millennium, Lum started the Lovespirals project with singer/songwriter Anji Bee on vocals. Lovespirals issued Windblown Kiss in summer 2002.