加拿大二人组合Four80East在他们第二张专辑"Nocturnal"中, 向大家展现了他们出色的音乐协调性和结构性. 而专辑里十首曲目的完成度更见证了这对两人组合对音乐的激情和魔幻般的技术. Rob DeBoer和Tony Grace除了一手包办了所有这些混合了Soul, Funk, Jazz等元素的曲目创作和演奏外, 还得到了来自高音萨克斯管乐手Jon Stewart, 爵士笛手Andrew McPherson, 爵士小号手Ivana Santilli的倾情演出. 所有的这些东西加在一起, 不仅能带给大家听觉上的洗沥, 还带给了大家一种虚幻的视觉冲击. 特别是充满轻块摇晃节奏的"Bumper to Bumper"和电光火石的合成器乱舞作品"Drive Time". 但实际上, 比起他们的首张作品, "Nocturnal"这张专辑在结构和变化上有更明显的优势, 从而使专辑有更强音乐表现力和更多样化的风格, 像里面运用的那些更Funky的打击乐器, 更Groove的剪辑乐段, 和层次更分明的Acid Jazz风格. 而Ivana Santilli和Andrew McPherson在"Wake abd Bake"里面精彩的小号和长笛独奏亦很有机会能带给Four80East这对两人组合又一次的商业成功. 总得来说, 这张CD绝对适合那些喜欢合成音乐和注重小组创造力的朋友们收藏.
Toronto-based Four80East is actually a studio side-project for Rob DeBoer (piano, guitar, bass, programming) and Tony Grace (drums, programming), who, along with Grace's brother Paul, run Boomtang Records. Four80East developed over several years, between Grace and DeBoer's remix schedule (for the likes of Econoline Crush, Amanda Marshall, Corey Hart, Wild Strawberries, Philosopher Kings, and Ashley MacIsaac) and their other project, the pop band the Boomtang Boys. Four80East started as an outlet of pure fun to play a sort of loose, improvisational dance music inspired by groove music out of the U.K. The other half of the band is Jack Trentman on guitar and trumpet, and Jon Stewart on tenor saxophone. The band's first album, titled appropriately enough The Album, came out in 1997 on Boomtang. It earned considerable airplay in both the U.S. and England. Nocturnal followed in early 2001, marking their first effort for Higher Octave. A year later, Round 3 followed up on their self-proclaimed "trip-jazz" sound.
加拿大二人组合Four80East在他们第二张专辑"Nocturnal"中, 向大家展现了他们出色的音乐协调性和结构性. 而专辑里十首曲目的完成度更见证了这对两人组合对音乐的激情和魔幻般的技术. Rob DeBoer和Tony Grace除了一手包办了所有这些混合了Soul, Funk, Jazz等元素的曲目创作和演奏外, 还得到了来自高音萨克斯管乐手Jon Stewart, 爵士笛手Andrew McPherson, 爵士小号手Ivana Santilli的倾情演出. 所有的这些东西加在一起, 不仅能带给大家听觉上的洗沥, 还带给了大家一种虚幻的视觉冲击. 特别是充满轻块摇晃节奏的"Bumper to Bumper"和电光火石的合成器乱舞作品"Drive Time". 但实际上, 比起他们的首张作品, "Nocturnal"这张专辑在结构和变化上有更明显的优势, 从而使专辑有更强音乐表现力和更多样化的风格, 像里面运用的那些更Funky的打击乐器, 更Groove的剪辑乐段, 和层次更分明的Acid Jazz风格. 而Ivana Santilli和Andrew McPherson在"Wake abd Bake"里面精彩的小号和长笛独奏亦很有机会能带给Four80East这对两人组合又一次的商业成功. 总得来说, 这张CD绝对适合那些喜欢合成音乐和注重小组创造力的朋友们收藏.
Toronto-based Four80East is actually a studio side-project for Rob DeBoer (piano, guitar, bass, programming) and Tony Grace (drums, programming), who, along with Grace's brother Paul, run Boomtang Records. Four80East developed over several years, between Grace and DeBoer's remix schedule (for the likes of Econoline Crush, Amanda Marshall, Corey Hart, Wild Strawberries, Philosopher Kings, and Ashley MacIsaac) and their other project, the pop band the Boomtang Boys. Four80East started as an outlet of pure fun to play a sort of loose, improvisational dance music inspired by groove music out of the U.K. The other half of the band is Jack Trentman on guitar and trumpet, and Jon Stewart on tenor saxophone. The band's first album, titled appropriately enough The Album, came out in 1997 on Boomtang. It earned considerable airplay in both the U.S. and England. Nocturnal followed in early 2001, marking their first effort for Higher Octave. A year later, Round 3 followed up on their self-proclaimed "trip-jazz" sound.