生日:1980 年 12 月 16 日
Axle Whitehead(1980年12月16日出生于澳大利亚墨尔本)是一个澳大利亚的电视节目主持人,歌手,音乐家和演员。他是Video Hits的主持人。2008年,他发行了他的第一张录音室专辑Losing Sleep,在ARIA排名前50位首次亮相。他还在第七频道的主页上演奏了Liam Murphy,并且是The World's Strictest Parents的主持人。2015年,怀特黑德在Showtime系列中开始扮演音乐家戴维斯的角色。他目前长在主持游戏节目 The Wall。
1999年,怀特黑德被接纳进入维多利亚艺术学院学习爵士即兴创作,然后与各种乐队一起巡回澳大利亚和中国。他最初是2003年第一个澳大利亚偶像系列赛的参赛选手。他未能赢得比赛,但却进入前二十名。在偶像被发现后,他被聘为主办的电视音乐节目,视频点击上网络十,托管从2004年至1 2006年11月,他走遍世界各地采访艺术家,如碧昂斯,贾斯汀,绿洲和杜兰杜兰。
Whitehead的首张单曲“ I Do not Do Surprises ”于2008年1月在电台上发布,于2008年3月17日在澳大利亚ARIA排行榜上排名第8位。也达到了澳大利亚iTunes排行榜的第1位。它也收到点播的新星广播浮出水面电视广告的流行频道10显示众议院和女子谋杀俱乐部和7频道的主客场,被形容为之间的交叉酷玩乐队和罗比·威廉姆斯。他的首张专辑“ Losing Sleep”由英国混音师David Treahearn混音并于2008年8月22日通过路演音乐发布。怀特黑德于2008年2月24日回归Video Hits,并于2008年9月5日回归澳大利亚偶像,但仅作为嘉宾宣传他的首张专辑。第三首单曲Losing Sleep,Satellite在第五频道和视频点播中获得了重要影响。
小第一届澳洲偶像的参赛者Axle Whitehead,虽然在比赛中没有进入最后的Final 10,但比赛结束后即获得澳洲10台的音乐主持人职位,可惜由于之后在澳洲音乐颁奖典礼的cock flashing动作而被炒鱿鱼了。即使被冠以“猥亵”,在同志圈里越来越hot的Axle Whitehead依然表示完全不后悔这么做,并且会“do it again”。
2008发行的处女专辑《Losing Sleep》,受到负面新闻的影响,专辑销量并不好,在澳大利亚连TOP50都没能进入。但是抛开其备受争议的私生活不谈,这张专辑还是很有听点的。先行单曲I Dont Do Surprises打入单曲榜的TOP 10。“Satellite”节奏强劲,可以领略到Axle娴熟的假声。“Anywhere”节奏激劲,很适合在开车的时候听。 “Landslide”则以钢琴做旋律的基底铺陈,贯穿整首曲子。
Axle Whitehead (born 16 December 1980 in Melbourne, Australia) is a former Australian Video Hits TV host and current singer and musician. In 2008, he released his first solo album Losing Sleep which debuted outside of the ARIA top 50.
Axle Whitehead was originally a contestant on the first series of Australian Idol in 2003. He failed to win the competition but made it into the top twenty. After being spotted on Idol, he was hired to host the Television music show, Video Hits on Network Ten, hosting from 2004 to 1 November 2006.
On 29 October 2006, while at the ARIA's, Whitehead was on-stage presenting an award to TV Rock with radio jock Jabba, when he exposed his penis on stage. He also simulated masturbation on the ARIA trophy as the winners made their way to the stage.[2] The Daily Telegraph later reported that Whitehead and his long time girlfriend Katrina Peden had broken up days before the ARIA incident, possibly explaining his behaviour.[3] It was also rumoured in the industry that it was an ongoing dare, between himself, Jabba and Johnny Knoxville, though Whitehead denied the claim.[4] He later said that he had no regrets about the incident, and thought that "more people should do it."[5] Network Ten announced on 2 November 2006 that Whitehead resigned as host of Video Hits on 1 November 2006.[6]
Axle Whitehead's debut album, Losing Sleep was released through Roadshow Music on August 22nd 2008. His debut single "I Don't Do Surprises" was released on radio during January 2008,[7] debuting at #8 on the ARIA Charts in Australia on 17 March 2008.[8] It has also received airplay on Nova radio and surfaced on TV advertisements for popular Channel 10 shows House and Women's Murder Club, being described as a cross between Coldplay and Robbie Williams.[9] Whitehead made his return to Video Hits on 24 February 2008, and to Australian Idol on 5 September 2008, though only as a guest to promote his announced debut album.
Axle Whitehead has also become the face of upmarket clothing brand 'Marcs'. His image has appeared on buses and print advertisements for the summer/autumn campaign.