Chinmaya Dunster
从第一张专辑《FENG SHUI》到2001年的《Yoga On Sacred Ground》(神圣土地上的瑜珈),Chinmaya均从印度与孟加拉的当地原生生活出发,将采集的民间音乐元素融会其中,以NEW AGE的音乐手法重新编配,带出印孟大地的生活风情。因为Chinmaya师从世界SAROD大师Amjad Ali Khan多年,一直醉心于SAROD琴的演奏和表演,所以在他的音乐中SAROD是主要的表现载体,同时出现的还有以竹笛、塔不拉、吉他,人声,营造出平静祥和、博大、神秘的空间,让人如同进入佛教的冥想境界,身心轻盈,随乐起飞。
Chinmaya Dunster 1954出生于英国东南部的KENT州,他的父亲是一个出色的艺术家而且多才多艺,将他们的家营造成一个恍若16世纪的田园世界-----美丽的苹果园,农庄,森林和飞涧流水。 Chinmaya就是在这样优美的环境里慢慢长大。
在先后主修过艺术课程和做过农场工人之后,Chinmaya开始对水彩画和西班牙六弦琴产生了浓厚的兴趣,并且开始了他的从阿富汗到印度的诗意般的流浪旅行。在游历了喜玛拉雅,伊斯兰卡,泰国和日本等地之后,1979年的一次NEW DELHI的通宵音乐会改变了Chinmaya的一生。
那个晚上,他听见了一种他从未听过的绝妙的乐音,这是来自古代印度北部的一种拨弦乐器SAROD,由19根弦做成的类似班卓琴一样的印度传统乐器。而演奏家正是世界著名的SAROD音乐家Amjad Ali Khan。三年之后,Chinmaya辞掉了伦敦的艺术教授的工作前往印度终于成为了Amjad Ali Khan的门徒,学习SAROD的演奏。
Chinmaya决定用接下来的13年的时间来学习印度的传统音乐,同时他在伦敦结识了一支融合了东西方音乐的乐队Terra Incognita。于是Chinmaya开始和他们合作,尝试推出极富印度风情的音乐作品。从1990年开始,Chinmaya 在Nightingale唱片公司和NEW EARTH唱片公司陆续推出了唱片,发表了融会了印度音乐和拉格音乐的唱片,从而享誉世界,成为了重要的心灵音乐家。
Chinmaya Dunster was born in Kent, England in 1954. After attending Art College, he travelled through Afghanistan to India. There he heard a performance by the world-famous sarodist Amjad Ali Khan and instantly fell in love with the sarod (a nineteen-stringed, banjo-like Indian classical instrument.)
Three years later, while teaching art at a school in London, he became a student of Amjad Ali Khan’s leading disciple. Chinmaya dedicated the next thirteen years to the study of Indian classical music on the sarod, both in London and at the Osho Commune in Pune, India.
Since 1990 Chinmaya has released 13 CDs on New Earth Records and Malimba Records. In 2002 Sir Paul McCartney invited him to perform at his wedding in Ireland.
Chinmaya is currently working on a new CD for New Earth Records from his home in Goa, India, based mainly on the sarod. It promises to become a meditative musical journey into the experience of living in harmony with nature.
Chinmaya Dunster 1954出生于英国东南部的KENT州,他的父亲是一个出色的艺术家而且多才多艺,将他们的家营造成一个恍若16世纪的田园世界-----美丽的苹果园,农庄,森林和飞涧流水。 Chinmaya就是在这样优美的环境里慢慢长大。
在先后主修过艺术课程和做过农场工人之后,Chinmaya开始对水彩画和西班牙六弦琴产生了浓厚的兴趣,并且开始了他的从阿富汗到印度的诗意般的流浪旅行。在游历了喜玛拉雅,伊斯兰卡,泰国和日本等地之后,1979年的一次NEW DELHI的通宵音乐会改变了Chinmaya的一生。
那个晚上,他听见了一种他从未听过的绝妙的乐音,这是来自古代印度北部的一种拨弦乐器SAROD,由19根弦做成的类似班卓琴一样的印度传统乐器。而演奏家正是世界著名的SAROD音乐家Amjad Ali Khan。三年之后,Chinmaya辞掉了伦敦的艺术教授的工作前往印度终于成为了Amjad Ali Khan的门徒,学习SAROD的演奏。
Chinmaya决定用接下来的13年的时间来学习印度的传统音乐,同时他在伦敦结识了一支融合了东西方音乐的乐队Terra Incognita。于是Chinmaya开始和他们合作,尝试推出极富印度风情的音乐作品。从1990年开始,Chinmaya 在Nightingale唱片公司和NEW EARTH唱片公司陆续推出了唱片,发表了融会了印度音乐和拉格音乐的唱片,从而享誉世界,成为了重要的心灵音乐家。
Chinmaya Dunster was born in Kent, England in 1954. After attending Art College, he travelled through Afghanistan to India. There he heard a performance by the world-famous sarodist Amjad Ali Khan and instantly fell in love with the sarod (a nineteen-stringed, banjo-like Indian classical instrument.)
Three years later, while teaching art at a school in London, he became a student of Amjad Ali Khan’s leading disciple. Chinmaya dedicated the next thirteen years to the study of Indian classical music on the sarod, both in London and at the Osho Commune in Pune, India.
Since 1990 Chinmaya has released 13 CDs on New Earth Records and Malimba Records. In 2002 Sir Paul McCartney invited him to perform at his wedding in Ireland.
Chinmaya is currently working on a new CD for New Earth Records from his home in Goa, India, based mainly on the sarod. It promises to become a meditative musical journey into the experience of living in harmony with nature.