Club for Five
Club for Five 是当今欧洲最出色的芬兰无伴奏五人合唱创新组合。 这支新派「人声乐队」擅长以人声奇妙地模仿各种不同乐器的声音。 令观众大开眼界的是五位演出者竟可以制造出一队完整的摇滚乐队的效果, 一组鼓乐的声响和一支低音大提琴的音色, 如非亲临现场欣赏实属难以想象! 他们新颖的演出博得无数观众的激赏, 数十场现场音乐会门票一售而罄, 并被誉为欧洲最杰出的声乐组合及世界最优秀无伴奏合唱组合之一。
Club for Five 成立于2001 年,成员来自不同流派、风格迥异的音乐背景。 组合成员多元化的音乐传承清晰地表现在他们的演出和编曲中。 他们的曲目绝大部分为自创的英语及芬兰语流行音乐和芬兰民歌。 这次2007中国巡回演出将带来改编的中国民歌以及一系列不同类型的曲目。 乐队创造性地运用拍子的技巧来唱出2004年10月,Club for Five发行的首张专辑《Ensi-ilta》(译作《首演》,由《环球音乐》出版)就获得了广泛的好评并在短短几个月内即于芬兰达到了金唱片销量。虽然主要以芬兰语演唱,但《首演》轻而易举地跨越了语言的障碍,人们无需懂得芬兰语就可以领略并欣赏他们绝妙的韵律和绚丽的现代声乐和弦。 这张专辑收录的经典传唱歌曲和流行歌曲都是经过了极富想象力的原创印象设计改编。
不同乐器的特色, 将令在场者叹为观止。
在2005年十二月,Club for Five录制了他们的第二张专辑《Uni》(译作《一个梦》)。 这张专辑于2006年5月发行,成为了见证这支组合成功的一个里程碑。在唱片中,Club for Five不仅充分突显了他们作为卓越的音乐编曲和诠释者的才能,更展现了他们创作全新音乐的天份。 《一个梦》带来的是长盛不衰的经典旋律和非同寻常的清新气息。 Club for Five主要在芬兰、欧洲其他国家和亚洲演出,并曾与富于传奇色彩的美国声乐组合“The Manhattan Transfer” 和“芬兰电台管弦乐团”同台演出。
受凤凰卫视 (Phoenix TV) 邀请于2007年11月3日,「皇者之声」更将担任本年度“中华小姐”总决赛的特别演出嘉宾。
Club For Five Appraisal
“You just have to be amazed by all the kind sounds one can make witha simple human voice”
— Karjalainen Newspaper (Finland)
— 芬兰 Karjalainen报
“How smooth and easy a cappella singing can be at its best – even handling the tough modulation parts seemed to be like a walk in a park for the singers!”
— Ilkka Newspaper (Finland)
“他们的清唱是何等的挥洒自如 – 纵是拿捏艰难的转调, 歌手们仍有如在公园漫步般轻松!”
— 芬兰Ilkka报
“Club For Five men even look like the big brasses and horns in the orchestra and the women like the small piccolos.”
— Kalajokilaakso Newspaper
“皇者之声Club For Five当中的男士甚至仿如管弦乐团中的大型铜管乐器及号角,而女士则好像细小短笛。”
— 欧洲Kalajokilaakso报
"The performance of Club For Five was technically and musically top-class throughout all the singers."
— Helsingin Sanomat Newspaper
“皇者之声Club For Five每位成员的表演在技巧上及音乐上皆是顶级的。”
— 芬兰Helsingin Sanomat报
"From the very beginning Club For Five has been a refreshing exception among the Finnish vocal ensembles."
— Aamulehti Newspaper
“从一开始皇者之声Club For Five已经是芬兰声乐组合中格外清新的一队。”
— Aamulehti 报
“I watched a stunning Club For Five concert in France, which attracted a lot of loyal fans to follow them.”
— Leon Tong, Vice President, International Federation for Choral Music
“我曾在法国亲历皇者之声Club For Five 的演唱会,现场效果震撼,还吸引大批歌迷追随。”
Club for Five (CFF) is a contemporary a cappella group from Finland. They are known for their unique singing style and being able to skillfully use their voices like instruments. Club for Five were founded in Helsinki, 2001. The members of the band are musicians with diverse and extensive musical backgrounds: Maija Sariola (soprano), Susanna Hietala (alto), Jouni Kannisto (tenor), Tuomas Ahola (baritone) and Tuukka Haapaniemi (bass). Their repertoire (both Finnish and English) is mainly self-arranged and/or self-composed pop music with influences from a variety of musical genres. Club for Five performs mainly in Finland, but has also held concerts elsewhere in Europe, as well as Asia. The band has also performed with distinguished ensembles, such as the American vocal group The Manhattan Transfer and the Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra. Their premiere in North America was at Festival 500 in St. John's, NL on July 8th, 2009.
Club for Five 成立于2001 年,成员来自不同流派、风格迥异的音乐背景。 组合成员多元化的音乐传承清晰地表现在他们的演出和编曲中。 他们的曲目绝大部分为自创的英语及芬兰语流行音乐和芬兰民歌。 这次2007中国巡回演出将带来改编的中国民歌以及一系列不同类型的曲目。 乐队创造性地运用拍子的技巧来唱出2004年10月,Club for Five发行的首张专辑《Ensi-ilta》(译作《首演》,由《环球音乐》出版)就获得了广泛的好评并在短短几个月内即于芬兰达到了金唱片销量。虽然主要以芬兰语演唱,但《首演》轻而易举地跨越了语言的障碍,人们无需懂得芬兰语就可以领略并欣赏他们绝妙的韵律和绚丽的现代声乐和弦。 这张专辑收录的经典传唱歌曲和流行歌曲都是经过了极富想象力的原创印象设计改编。
不同乐器的特色, 将令在场者叹为观止。
在2005年十二月,Club for Five录制了他们的第二张专辑《Uni》(译作《一个梦》)。 这张专辑于2006年5月发行,成为了见证这支组合成功的一个里程碑。在唱片中,Club for Five不仅充分突显了他们作为卓越的音乐编曲和诠释者的才能,更展现了他们创作全新音乐的天份。 《一个梦》带来的是长盛不衰的经典旋律和非同寻常的清新气息。 Club for Five主要在芬兰、欧洲其他国家和亚洲演出,并曾与富于传奇色彩的美国声乐组合“The Manhattan Transfer” 和“芬兰电台管弦乐团”同台演出。
受凤凰卫视 (Phoenix TV) 邀请于2007年11月3日,「皇者之声」更将担任本年度“中华小姐”总决赛的特别演出嘉宾。
Club For Five Appraisal
“You just have to be amazed by all the kind sounds one can make witha simple human voice”
— Karjalainen Newspaper (Finland)
— 芬兰 Karjalainen报
“How smooth and easy a cappella singing can be at its best – even handling the tough modulation parts seemed to be like a walk in a park for the singers!”
— Ilkka Newspaper (Finland)
“他们的清唱是何等的挥洒自如 – 纵是拿捏艰难的转调, 歌手们仍有如在公园漫步般轻松!”
— 芬兰Ilkka报
“Club For Five men even look like the big brasses and horns in the orchestra and the women like the small piccolos.”
— Kalajokilaakso Newspaper
“皇者之声Club For Five当中的男士甚至仿如管弦乐团中的大型铜管乐器及号角,而女士则好像细小短笛。”
— 欧洲Kalajokilaakso报
"The performance of Club For Five was technically and musically top-class throughout all the singers."
— Helsingin Sanomat Newspaper
“皇者之声Club For Five每位成员的表演在技巧上及音乐上皆是顶级的。”
— 芬兰Helsingin Sanomat报
"From the very beginning Club For Five has been a refreshing exception among the Finnish vocal ensembles."
— Aamulehti Newspaper
“从一开始皇者之声Club For Five已经是芬兰声乐组合中格外清新的一队。”
— Aamulehti 报
“I watched a stunning Club For Five concert in France, which attracted a lot of loyal fans to follow them.”
— Leon Tong, Vice President, International Federation for Choral Music
“我曾在法国亲历皇者之声Club For Five 的演唱会,现场效果震撼,还吸引大批歌迷追随。”
Club for Five (CFF) is a contemporary a cappella group from Finland. They are known for their unique singing style and being able to skillfully use their voices like instruments. Club for Five were founded in Helsinki, 2001. The members of the band are musicians with diverse and extensive musical backgrounds: Maija Sariola (soprano), Susanna Hietala (alto), Jouni Kannisto (tenor), Tuomas Ahola (baritone) and Tuukka Haapaniemi (bass). Their repertoire (both Finnish and English) is mainly self-arranged and/or self-composed pop music with influences from a variety of musical genres. Club for Five performs mainly in Finland, but has also held concerts elsewhere in Europe, as well as Asia. The band has also performed with distinguished ensembles, such as the American vocal group The Manhattan Transfer and the Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra. Their premiere in North America was at Festival 500 in St. John's, NL on July 8th, 2009.