作为比利时最重要的独立/后摇滚乐队,Tomàn从2004年组队至今已经发行了四张专辑,进行了数场欧洲巡演并曾有幸与 Sigur Ros、Mogwai、Envy、Tortoise等国际著名乐队同台演出,他们也曾在欧洲最大规模的音乐节如Roskilde、Pukkelpop、Pinkpop、Dour等登台演出。
他们一直在寻找新的方向,拥有了独树一帜的个性化风格。2011年,Tomàn在发行了他们的第三张概念专辑《Where wolves wear wolf wear》之后继续加快脚步,随即在GAM Studios展开录制新专辑《Postrockhits Vol II》,这是一张比以往包含更多后摇滚元素的专辑,而更多的新元素则来自从krautrock到现代电子音乐的影响,他们的键盘在filmic/cosmic krautrock式作品中的运用也变得更为“可视化”,我们可以听到更多类似Can、Fuck Buttons或者Oneohtrix Point Never等乐队的作品。乐队将在2013年登上欧洲大型舞台,在随后的四月,他们将首次进行自己的亚洲巡演!
Tomàn is Belgium biggest indie postrock act. The band started in 2004 and released 4 albums so far. Tomàn toured Europe multiple times and shared stages with Sigur Ros, Mogwai, Envy, Tortoise,...
Tomàn played some of Europe largest music festivals as Roskilde, Pukkelpop, Pinkpop, Dour,... Their music continues to evolve, but they still have their own sound.
Since the release of their third (conceptual) album “Where wolves wear wolf wear” the band worked hard on their follow up and started recording “Postrockhits Vol II” , an album with few postrock left in the music, in autumn 2011 at the GAM studios .
Musically new influences are heard from krautrock to contemporary electronic music, with the keyboard being more “visible” on the forefront resulting in filmic, cosmic krautrock. Musical references include Can, Fuck Buttons, Oneohtrix Point Never…
The band will play the big clubstages in Europe in 2013 and head for their first Asian tour in April.