Csejthe是一座著名的匈牙利古堡,其主人就是大名鼎鼎的吸血鬼伯爵夫人巴托里(Countess Erzsebet Bathary),这座城堡见证了伯爵夫人的昭昭罪行——折磨残害近300名少女,饮其血,浴其血,以葆不老之颜。关于这位伯爵夫人还有着许多奇闻轶事,有兴趣的朋友不妨Google一下。很明显,来自魁北克的Csejthe有着强烈的伯爵夫人情结,从歌曲内容就可见一斑,新作封面更是直接挪来巴托里那副著名的油画,只是原画中一袭妖娆的暗红已漆黑一片,但却更添得几丝诡异。
Strigat - Guitar, Vocals (Singur Fiinta, Verkènt Csendes)
Morne - Vocals, Bass (Singur Fiinta)
Myrkvid - Vocals, Guitar (Saccage)
Fiel - Drums (Maraude, Forteresse)
Csejthe is the name of the castle in which Countess Bathory brutally tortured, humiliated and murdered hundreds of girls throughout her lifetime. Though her accomplices were found guilty of their crimes, the Countess was walled up inside a small room on the basis that she was criminally insane.
Csejthe是一座著名的匈牙利古堡,其主人就是大名鼎鼎的吸血鬼伯爵夫人巴托里(Countess Erzsebet Bathary),这座城堡见证了伯爵夫人的昭昭罪行——折磨残害近300名少女,饮其血,浴其血,以葆不老之颜。关于这位伯爵夫人还有着许多奇闻轶事,有兴趣的朋友不妨Google一下。很明显,来自魁北克的Csejthe有着强烈的伯爵夫人情结,从歌曲内容就可见一斑,新作封面更是直接挪来巴托里那副著名的油画,只是原画中一袭妖娆的暗红已漆黑一片,但却更添得几丝诡异。
Strigat - Guitar, Vocals (Singur Fiinta, Verkènt Csendes)
Morne - Vocals, Bass (Singur Fiinta)
Myrkvid - Vocals, Guitar (Saccage)
Fiel - Drums (Maraude, Forteresse)
Csejthe is the name of the castle in which Countess Bathory brutally tortured, humiliated and murdered hundreds of girls throughout her lifetime. Though her accomplices were found guilty of their crimes, the Countess was walled up inside a small room on the basis that she was criminally insane.