Vocal Sampling
人声取样(Vocal Sampling)是一支来自古巴的超级六人演唱组,他们从来不使用任何乐器来进行伴唱,更别说什么电子乐器了。他们之所以命名为Vocal Sampling,无非是想说明其人声是多么的特别和非凡,合成在一起拥有一种神奇的效果。他们是纯正非洲—古巴(Afro-Cuban)乐风的最佳代表,难能可贵的是这六位原是哈瓦那国家音乐学院能熟稔演奏各项乐器的音乐家,他们把对于拉丁音乐深入理解与音乐技巧相结合,充分地表现于口技上。
by Drago Bonacich
Assembled in the early '90s at Havana's National Superior Institute of Arts by ex-Ena Jazz Sextet pianist René Baños, singer/guitarist Reinaldo Santer, and percussionist/bassist Abel Sanabria, Vocal Sampling became a six-member group after being joined by singer/guitarist Jorge Chaviano, tropical trombonist Oscar Porro, and percussionist Renato Mora. These six talented instrumentalists met while attending music classes and decided to participate in a cappella project based on traditional Afro-Caribbean rhythms such as son, bolero, guaracha, and salsa.
After contributing to a compilation released by David Byrne's Luaka Bop label with a song called "Diablo Al Infierno," Faro Figueroa produced their first album, titled Una Forma Mas. In 1995, the Cuban-based group debuted live in the U.S., soon touring around Latin America and Europe.
by Drago Bonacich
Assembled in the early '90s at Havana's National Superior Institute of Arts by ex-Ena Jazz Sextet pianist René Baños, singer/guitarist Reinaldo Santer, and percussionist/bassist Abel Sanabria, Vocal Sampling became a six-member group after being joined by singer/guitarist Jorge Chaviano, tropical trombonist Oscar Porro, and percussionist Renato Mora. These six talented instrumentalists met while attending music classes and decided to participate in a cappella project based on traditional Afro-Caribbean rhythms such as son, bolero, guaracha, and salsa.
After contributing to a compilation released by David Byrne's Luaka Bop label with a song called "Diablo Al Infierno," Faro Figueroa produced their first album, titled Una Forma Mas. In 1995, the Cuban-based group debuted live in the U.S., soon touring around Latin America and Europe.