Atmosphere - The Waitress
A city full of people and my favorite is that waitress
And she treats me like some kind of common vagrant.
I see her every day
But there s nothing to say
Unless I decide to step inside of that cafe
I only get to sit if I buy something to eat
Otherwise its best to keep my feet moving down that street.
And god damn, she s a hard bitch
She talks at like I m the bad dog that got into the garbage
Yeah I know that the toilet is for customers
You ain t gotta tangle up the strings that make this puppet work
It doesn t have to be a game of paddy-cake
But it ain t like you don t know I sleep in that alleyway.
And by the way, I can see it in your eyes
You re angry with your life, not a stranger to the fight
I bet you hate every man that you date
And you re probably addicted to all types of escape.
You take it out on me
That you re all alone
When you know you got your own closet full of hollow bones
Watch the tone when you speak to old folks
I m grown, just trying to get out of this Minnesota cold.
"Look lady, please
I m homeless, I m crazy
I m so hopeless I m suicidal daily.
If you and I can t coexist let s fake it
Cause I ain t got the energy it takes for this relationship."
I m waiting for a city bus to flatten me
And transport me to the ever after happily.
Maybe reincarnate, and with luck,
come back to Earth as a cockroach in your tip cup,
She says she s had it up to here
She s gonna call authorities if I don t dissapear.
I love her threats
It rejuvinates my breath
I give her stress for the reaction that it gets.
I got a pocket full of panhandled money
On a cup of bad coffee and a stale honey bun.
In front of everyone she calls me bum
But she notices my absence on those afternoons I don t come.
So here I am, thorn in her hip
Corner table all morning with some corn chips.
Ignoring the insults and evil eyes
I feed off em, I wonder when she ll realize.
She s the only reason I visit
The only woman in my world that acknowledges my existence.
And if my ship ever comes I ll miss it
Because I m getting old and I ain t got much left to give it.
So there it is, and I have to live with it
I had the chance to make a difference but I didn t.
In a cafe bathroom drinking free tap water
Thinking damn I should have been a better father to my daughter.
Atmosphere - The Waitress
A city full of people and my favorite is that waitress
And she treats me like some kind of common vagrant.
I see her every day
But there s nothing to say
Unless I decide to step inside of that cafe
I only get to sit if I buy something to eat
Otherwise its best to keep my feet moving down that street.
And god damn, she s a hard bitch
She talks at like I m the bad dog that got into the garbage
Yeah I know that the toilet is for customers
You ain t gotta tangle up the strings that make this puppet work
It doesn t have to be a game of paddy-cake
But it ain t like you don t know I sleep in that alleyway.
And by the way, I can see it in your eyes
You re angry with your life, not a stranger to the fight
I bet you hate every man that you date
And you re probably addicted to all types of escape.
You take it out on me
That you re all alone
When you know you got your own closet full of hollow bones
Watch the tone when you speak to old folks
I m grown, just trying to get out of this Minnesota cold.
"Look lady, please
I m homeless, I m crazy
I m so hopeless I m suicidal daily.
If you and I can t coexist let s fake it
Cause I ain t got the energy it takes for this relationship."
I m waiting for a city bus to flatten me
And transport me to the ever after happily.
Maybe reincarnate, and with luck,
come back to Earth as a cockroach in your tip cup,
She says she s had it up to here
She s gonna call authorities if I don t dissapear.
I love her threats
It rejuvinates my breath
I give her stress for the reaction that it gets.
I got a pocket full of panhandled money
On a cup of bad coffee and a stale honey bun.
In front of everyone she calls me bum
But she notices my absence on those afternoons I don t come.
So here I am, thorn in her hip
Corner table all morning with some corn chips.
Ignoring the insults and evil eyes
I feed off em, I wonder when she ll realize.
She s the only reason I visit
The only woman in my world that acknowledges my existence.
And if my ship ever comes I ll miss it
Because I m getting old and I ain t got much left to give it.
So there it is, and I have to live with it
I had the chance to make a difference but I didn t.
In a cafe bathroom drinking free tap water
Thinking damn I should have been a better father to my daughter.