I Vow To Thee My Country - Johan Soderqvist/Patrik Andrén/EA Games Soundtrack
And there's another country I've heard of long ago
Most dear to them that love
Her most great to them that know
We may not count her armies we may not see her King
Her fortress is a faithful heart her pride is suffering
And soul by soul and silently her shining bounds increase
And her ways are ways of gentleness
And all her path
I Vow To Thee My Country - Johan Soderqvist/Patrik Andrén/EA Games Soundtrack
And there's another country I've heard of long ago
Most dear to them that love
Her most great to them that know
We may not count her armies we may not see her King
Her fortress is a faithful heart her pride is suffering
And soul by soul and silently her shining bounds increase
And her ways are ways of gentleness
And all her path