Pentakill (五连杀) - Different Heaven
So I said noob noob
No was supposed to be my pentakill
Why did you that to me
I kill alone one two three four champions
I can't believe you're trolling
No was supposed to be my pentakill
Why did you that to me
I kill alone one two three four champions
I can't believe you're troll
Wait a minute
Come on
Beat back
Come on
Like it
So I said noob noob
No was supposed to be my pentakill
Why did you that to me
I kill alone one two three four champions
I can't believe you're trolling
No was supposed to be my pentakill
Why did you that to me
I kill alone one two three four champions
I can't believe you're trolling
Come on
Beat back
Come on
Like it
Pentakill (五连杀) - Different Heaven
So I said noob noob
No was supposed to be my pentakill
Why did you that to me
I kill alone one two three four champions
I can't believe you're trolling
No was supposed to be my pentakill
Why did you that to me
I kill alone one two three four champions
I can't believe you're troll
Wait a minute
Come on
Beat back
Come on
Like it
So I said noob noob
No was supposed to be my pentakill
Why did you that to me
I kill alone one two three four champions
I can't believe you're trolling
No was supposed to be my pentakill
Why did you that to me
I kill alone one two three four champions
I can't believe you're trolling
Come on
Beat back
Come on
Like it