posted on:2023 years
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作词 : DeadTrees 作曲 : DeadTrees 编曲 : DeadTrees 在此之前 Before now 遍地都是死掉的植物 Land covered by the wither plants 云层里吹响号角 Bugle singing in the clouds 等待太阳降落 Waiting this sun landing 火焰里伸出一只机械手臂 A mechanical arm reach out from the flames 细胞开始分裂 Cell begin to divide 亚细亚群狼举起刀刃 Asianiac wolves raise their blade 切割开天和地 Cutted this puny heaven and earth 秩序降临 the order has come 秩序降临 the order has come 大爆炸扩张停止 when expanding of the Armageddon stopped 天体开始崩塌 Planets start to collapse 是黑暗吗 Is that dark? 人造卫星裹挟着电子信号 electronic signal surround Satellites 仿佛母亲带着她的孩子 Like mother holding their child 云层发出低吼 Roaring by cloud 大爆炸结束 Here’s the end of Armageddon 瘀血洒满山脉 Rotten blood rain on the mountain 海洋趋于平静 Ocean hold its still 混沌降临 The chaos has come 混沌降临 The chaos has come