posted on:2023 years
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Amazing grace. how sweet the sound 奇异恩典,何等甘甜 That saved a wretch like me 我罪已得赦免 I once was lost,but now am found 前我迷失,今被寻回 Was blind,but now I see. 盲眼今得看见 PCゲーム「そして明日の世界より――」Image song 『Amazing Grace』 vocal:KIYO&唯音 Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, 如此恩典 使我敬畏 And grace my fears relieved 使我心得安慰 How precious did that graece appear 初信之时 即蒙恩惠 The hour I first believed 真是何等宝贵 Through many dangers,toils. and snares 许多危险,试炼网罗 I have already come 我已安然度过 Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far 靠主恩典 安全不怕 And grace will lead me home 更引导我归家 The Lord has promised good to me, 主已应许对我恩宠 His Word my hope secures; 主的话语坚我盼望 He will my shield and portion be, 他是我的盾牌福分 As log as life endures. 直到生生世世 Yea,when this flesh and heart shall fail, 身心可朽,生命可绝 And mortal life shall cease, 圣殿巍然不毁 I shall possess within the veil, 寄身其间,平安喜乐 A life of joy and peace. 人生圆满丰沛 The world shall soon to ruin go, 大地即将,如雪消融 The sun refuse to shine; 太阳终会陨没 But God,who called me here below, 唯有上帝,与我永在 Shall be forever mine. 声声唤我依托 When we've been there ten thousand years 人生在世 已逾千年 Bright shining as the sun 圣恩光芒照万丈 We've no less days to sing God's praise 齐聚吟颂 神之恩典 Than when we first begun 从今万世永流传 Than when we first begun 从今万世永流传 -Fin-