Jane's Addiction
Jane's addiction 表演的是一种混合性的摇滚音乐——混合朋克、民歌、爵士的金属乐,或者随你叫它什么名字。当乐队于 1986 年在洛杉矶成立时,它成为许多唱片公司竞相追逐的目标。其核心人物 perry farrell 具有非凡的领导才能,并对兴奋剂艺术感兴趣,他还自己创作专辑的封面。在离开第一支乐队 psi - com 后,farrell 就准备通过 jane's addiction 来实现自己的摇滚观念。当他在洛杉矶的俱乐部里招募到 dave navarro(吉他手)、eric avery(贝司手)和 steve perkins(鼓手)时,他已经组建起 10 年以来这个城市的另类音乐圈中最有魔力的乐队来。
乐队的第 1 部作品是 1987 年以 triple x 厂牌发行的现场录音专辑《jane's addiction》,它展示了独特的具有迷幻气息的愤怒歌曲,如《1%》、《whores》和《pigs in zen》。早期的演出反映出他们渴望在洛杉矶摇滚音乐圈创立起一种快乐主义精神。他们的第一个经理人是个男妓,因此乐队不公开地卷入了许多充满色情格调的狂欢演出中。
1988 年 warner 发行的专辑《nothing's shocking》倒是充满了刺激:封面是一对头被火焰烧烤着的连体女人。它是乐队的第 1 张录音室作品,包含有循环声效果、迷人的节奏、急速的吉他和 farrell 经处理的断续的演唱,它是该年度最重要的摇滚专辑之一。
1990 年的专辑《ritual de lo habitual》的封面设计也违背了检查制度,画的是 farrell 和两个女人裸体躺在床上,周围摆满了象征邪教的标志和饰物。该封面被好几家美国连锁店禁止,farrell 不得不采用只印着“the frist amendment”字样的白色封面代替了原设计,表示出他对言论自由的讽刺。这又是一张令人震惊的专辑。其中有热烈的《ain't no right》、英国热门歌曲《been caught stealing》和脆弱的《classic girl》。专辑中最杰出的歌曲是起伏跌宕、激情澎湃的《three days》。它在头一周的销量十分可观,最后进入美国榜前 20 名和英国榜前 40 名。
看来乐队准备进入主流摇滚乐队的行列了。但是,原先使乐队生机勃勃的个人创造力却加剧了其内部的紧张关系。尽管乐队曾把他们创造性的灵感归功于大量的吸毒,但成员间的信任现在成为乐队的问题。1991 年夏,在亚利桑那举行的 lollapalooza 首场演出上,原本应是 jane's addiction 大出风头的演出变成了一场乐队公开的自我毁灭的灾难。乐队成员疲劳不堪,几乎无法演奏。而一次技术上的失误使 navarro 和 farrell 相互大打出手。尽管最后的几场演出使乐队恢复了光彩的形象,但他们实际上宣告了乐队的解体,同许多伟大的乐队一样,他们给观众只留下遗憾。
farrell 在此后的几年里一年一度地组织了好几场 lollapalooza 演出,并与 1992 年与 perkins 另组 porno for pyros 乐队,次年发行了乐队的首张专辑。 navarro 和 avery 组建了 deconstruction 乐队,但未出版作品,1994 年解散。 navarro 于 1993 年加入 the red hot chili peppers。
Janes Addiction were one of the most hotly pursued rock bands when they gained notice in Los Angeles in the mid-80s, with record companies at their feet. Flamboyant frontman Perry Farrell, formerly of the band Psi Com, had an undeniable charisma and an interest in provocative art (he designed the bands album covers), and Janes Addiction played a hybrid of rock music: metal with strains of punk, folk, and jazz. The quartet, comprising Farrell, bassist Eric Avery, drummer Stephen Perkins, and guitarist Dave Navarro, had already released its debut album as well, in the form of a live recording from the Roxy in Hollywood. Finally, Warner Bros. won the bidding war and released Nothings Shocking in 1988. The bands abrasive sound and aggressive attitude (typified by the nude sculpture on the cover) led to some resistance, but Janes Addiction began to break through to an audience — the album spent 35 weeks on the charts.
Ritual de lo Habitual followed in 1990 and was the bands commercial breakthrough, reaching the Top 20 and going gold. Farrell designed the traveling rock festival Lollapalooza as a farewell tour for Janes Addiction. After the tour was completed at the end of the summer of 1991, the group split. Farrell would continue to be involved with the organization of the annual Lollapalooza festival for the next several years; he also formed Porno for Pyros with Perkins in 1992, releasing their debut record the following year. After a couple of quiet years — which included forming Deconstruction, a band that didnt release any records until 1994, with Avery — Navarro joined Red Hot Chili Peppers at the end of 1993.
By 1997, Perkins and Farrell had dissolved Porno for Pyros, while Navarro was about to resign from Red Hot Chili Peppers. After Navarro began playing with his two former bandmates again during Porno for Pyros final tour, a Janes Addiction reunion tour was announced for the fall of the same year. The only catch was that Chili Peppers bassist Flea replaced Avery (Avery refused to participate, as he concentrated on his new band, Polar Bear). To coincide with the short tour, the newly reunited Janes Addiction issued the album Kettle Whistle, which compiled classic live performances and demos alongside a few newly recorded tracks. The album didnt fare well on the charts, but the reunion tour was a rousing success. It didnt lead to a permanent re-formation, however, as members went their separate ways once more after its completion. A planned film documentary of the reunion tour failed to materialize, as a best-of compilation that chronicled Farrells work (with Janes, Porno, and a few new solo tracks) was issued in 1999, titled Rev. His first solo full-length, Song Yet to Be Sung, saw the light of day in 2001. Navarros debut solo effort, Trust No One, was issued a month earlier than Farrells, as another Janes Addiction reunion was announced the same year. Avery again refused to participate, with his spot being filled by former Porno for Pyros bassist Martyn Lenoble.
Several years later, Janes Addiction readied themselves to do it again. In mid-2002, Farrell, Navarro, and Perkins headed back into the studio for their first album of new material in over a decade. Bass player Chris Chaney (Tommy Lee, Alanis Morissette) was added to the group and Bob Ezrin (Pink Floyd, Kiss, Aerosmith) signed on to produce the new record. Capitol prepped for the release of Strays in July 2003 while Farrell resurrected Lollapalooza after a six-year break.
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