Mary Goes Round
Mary Goes Round是一支充满迷幻律动感的法国ColdWave乐队,由Jérôme Avril和Cécile Balladin于1986年在巴黎Rex Club作为Sonic Youth的演出嘉宾后正式组建,尽管当时乐队的名字并不是Mary Goes Round。与Jérôme (guitar/singer)和Cécile (keyboard)正同台演出的Maurice(bass/guitar)及作为乐队组建关键人物的Gilbert Correy (drums)向Cécile介绍了Jérôme,之后他们完成了组建乐队的第一步,将乐队命名为Red Light。这次是乐队唯一一次以Red Light的名字进行的演出,因为他们在有机会于1987年在合集中发行单曲时还没有真正做乐队的计划。这次发行单曲的机会让乐队的第一首歌"the Shelter"得以录制,并且让Mary Goes Round成为乐队的正式名称。这个版本的"the Shelter"是Mary Goes Round唯一的一次有鼓手参与的录制。
在一年后的1988年参与合集制作前,除了使用鼓机代替从虽然在乐队里不参与活动的鼓手Gilbert录制了"the Nightmare"以外,Mary Goes Round并没有其他重要活动。
在第二张合集发行后,Mary Goes Round决定在鼓手Gilbert已经事实离队的情况下制作自己的专辑。Mary Goes Round录制了5首demo,乐队成功签约法国著名独立厂牌New Rose来发行这5首歌曲。最终这5首demo作为mini唱片在1989年发行,之后New Rose提出其旗下子厂牌,经常被称作尝试做法国版更时髦的4AD或者Factory的Lively Art厂牌。
1989年11月,Mary Goes Round作为嘉宾参加了And Also the Trees的法国巡演。与此同时Mary Goes Round与诸如Asylum Party、Little Nemo等乐队参与了自称"Touching Pop"的或许并不能算作一次社会运动的运动,之后这三支乐队共同在巴黎的L'Elysée Montmartre及le Bataclan等场地进行了密集的演出,并联合起来以TeePee的名义表演了"Tribes and Meeting"。
是Mary Goes Round在Lively Art旗下创作的最后一张专辑,乐队在Lively Art决定从New Rose分离时选择了加入New Rose。这也是Mary Goes Round摆脱毫无意义的"Touching Pop"名号,放弃悲伤而绝望的死硬派NewWave乐队形象而被视为一支Pop/Rock乐队的绝佳机会。
在1991年早些时候,Mary Goes Round与"Touching Pop"其他成员在Montpellier的"Les Etats Genéraux du Rock"音乐节重逢。在这次音乐节上,Stéphane Michaud作为乐队的第二吉他手加入Mary Goes Round,原Asylum Party乐队的Thierry Sobezyk以贝斯手的身份加入并代替了Daniel Brajkovic。1992年初,Michel Ange作为鼓手加入Mary Goes Round,然而一如往常那样,只有Cécile和Jérôme回到了Mix-It录音棚来完成乐队的最后一张专辑。但不幸的是,由于New Rose厂牌也已经在解散边缘,这张专辑的制作及发行状况并不好。所以Mary Goes Round只能自己来经营这最后一张专辑。尽管过去的日子里Mary Goes Round的表现一直不错,但乐队依然只能不停地演出来销售这张专辑并维持乐队存续。
到1993年时,乐队内部的这些麻烦让演出开始变得糟糕,乐队境况每日愈下,显然Mary Goes Round该说再见了。事实也的确如此,Cécile第一个决定退出乐队,之后是Thierry,在一次仓促而短暂的演出后,Jérôme也意识到是时候放弃了,Mary Goes Round乐队的故事到此结束。
(乐队成员Jerome Avril在2008年1月组建了乐队Brachko作为Mary Goes Round的继续)
Cécile Balladino(1986-1993)
Daniel Brajkovic (1986 – 1991)
Gilbert Correy(1986-1987)
Jérôme Avril(1986-1993)
Michel Ange(1992-1993)
Philippe Planchon(Asylum Party成员,曾加入Mary Goes Round但时间不明)
Stéphane Michaud (1991 – 1993)
Thierry Sobézyk (1991 – 1993)
Mary Goes Round is a French psychedelic-tinged Cold Wave band created by Jérôme Avril and Cécile Balladino, they officially formed after supporting Sonic Youth at the Rex Club in Paris in 1986,although the name was not here yet. Maurice (bass/guitar) and Gilbert Correy (drums) who played a key role in the creation of the band having introduced Jérôme to Cécile were on stage with Jérôme (guitar/singer) and Cécile (keyboard), doing their first steps named Red Light.This gig was the only event for the band at this time. They had no real projects when they were given the opportunity to have a song released on the compilation Unreleased volume I in 1987. For this occasion, the Shelter was recorded and the name Mary Goes Round was chosen. This version of the Shelter is the only studio recording MGR ever did with a drummer.
Nothing really important happened then until MGR participation in the compilation Unreleased volume II one year later. MRG recorded the Nightmare, with a drum machine to replace Gilbert who was still in the band but absent.
After this second compilation, MGR decided to produce their own album without Gilbert who definitely left the band. MGR recorded a five songs demo that led the band to a distribution deal with New Rose , the famous independant French label record. Eventually, the mini-lp Sunset, was released in 1989.After Sunset was released, New Rose proposed MGR to join its label Lively Art that the media used to present like a French attempt "à la mode" 4AD or Factory.
In november 1989, MGR started a tour in France supporting And Also the Trees. At the same time, MGR was getting involved in the hazy pseudo-movement self named "Touching Pop" with bands like Asylum Party and Little Nemo.The results was an intensive performance period for MGR with venues like L'Elysée Montmartre or le Bataclan in Paris. This single shows the three bands, MGR, AP and LN united, playing all together the song Tribes are Meeting under the name of TeePee.
Hot Shot in Space was the last production of MGR for Lively Art. Actually, MGR decided to join New Rose while Lively Art was separating from it. That was also the occasion for MGR to get rid of the meaningless Touching Pop burden and to be seen as a pop/rock band instead of a sad and desperate new wave diehard one.
In early 91, MGR and the Touching Pop crew met again on stage for the festival "Les Etats Genéraux du Rock" in Montpellier.At this moment,Stéphane Michaud joined the band as a second guitarist,andThierry Sobezyk of "Asylum Party" replaced Daniel Brajkovic as bassist.Beginning of 92, Michel Ange,a drummer, joined MGR.But,as from ever,only Cécile and Jérôme went back to Mix-It studio to record their last album Mary in Wonderland.Unfortunately, the conditions were not good as New Rose was about to disappear. Hence, MGR had to manage on its own. Although the chronicles were good, playing live was the only way to promote the album and to maintain the band alive.
In 93, the situation had gone hopeless and the troubles raising within the band led to some catastrophic gigs.Obviously, the end was near. Indeed, Cécile decided to leave, soon followed by Thierry.After a short period and only one gig,Jérôme realized gave up, closing the last chapter of the story of MGR.
(In Jan 2008,Jerome Avril is back with his new band Brachko,may as the return of Mary)
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