

2011年,荷尔蒙小姐乐队组建于成都,在四川音乐学院这方沃土上孕育而成。当时的成都小酒馆正是独立音乐的圣地,随着频繁在那里的演出,她们的声誉也越来越高。作为一个全女子乐队,她们反感被人介绍和评价为只是几个漂亮姑娘而已。从Foals、LCD Soundsystem和Le Tigre的音乐中捕捉灵感,她们用充满激情的电子摇滚和出众的音乐才华证明着自己。2014年,荷尔蒙小姐开始了第一次的全国巡演。城市之间,舞台上下,狂躁的舞台风格激发着在场的乐迷,产生出一种高度分化的内分泌细胞合成并直接分泌入血的化学信息物质-荷尔蒙。她们很快得到众多关注,也被誉为最佳现场的新人之一。随着向独立音乐的靠拢,一个机会却瞬间改变了她们的未来。通过参加电视音乐比赛节目,突然间使她们得到了很多关注,好坏参半。但是她们必须为乐队的未来,重新做出选择。 电视节目效应的确为她们带来了名气,但同时也伴随着世人的愤怒。在她们还没考虑好未来方向的时候,一切来得太快,走商业路线会帮乐队出名,但可能会限制自我的探索和创造力,或是形成一种沦为流行创造机器这种尴尬的局面。此时,他们对未来的分歧导致队内关系一度紧张,前键盘手最终离队。 自此,荷尔蒙小姐开始了新的探索。2016年6月,她们与FakeMusicMedia / FakeLoveMusic非刻文化签约。小雪在2017年也离开了乐队,顶替吉他手位置的是现成员王骄。在经过Gang GangDance 前鼓手兼制作人Tim DeWit和ReptileYouth 的Esben Valloe的指导之后,荷尔蒙小姐终于在2017年年底底完成了她们的全新专辑,季一楠、Pierre Guignard担任制作人,Tim DeWit也参与了后期制作及混音。 新专辑将是荷尔蒙小姐蜕变后崭新的一步。新专辑传递的是更加成熟、反思的声音。相较于以往更趋于受众口味的歌曲,现在她们的新歌更具探索性,不仅只是新的声音,也呈现着她们走出校园、踏入社会后的新身份、新立场。 新专辑打破固有而老旧的一切,渗透并挥发出全新的能量,是在成都灰暗天空下一种成熟而忧郁的观察。你可以深切感受到她们第一次看到这个真切的世界:前方曲折颠簸的道路、被污染而浑浊的空气、对新欢的幻想背后是心碎失望的真相、超越人类认知理解的一方水土,还有那些尚未触及的人生教训和哲理。这是年轻人学着认识这个世界、处理不满、找寻出口的一张专辑,向你讲述四个女孩的故事,讲述她们探寻能量为自己发声、挑战这个世界,也挑战着自我。 2018年,荷尔蒙小姐将进行跨全国20站的巡演。新专辑《The Hormones》将通过FakeLoveMusic于2018年3月初在中国各大数字平台同步推出。❏巡演信息 3月9日 成都 NU SPACE 3月10日 重庆 坚果LIVE HOUSE3月11日 贵阳 劲 Livehouse3月14日 曲靖 HUANG·Live寇舍3月15日 昆明 MondernskyLab3月16日 广州 TU凸空间3月17日 深圳 红糖罐蛇口店3月18日 厦门 REAL LIVE3月28日 义乌 MAO Livehouse3月29日 宁波 CMK Livehouse3月30日 杭州 LOOPY3月31日 上海 育音堂4月1日 苏州 WAVE Livehouse4月4日 合肥 ON THE WAY大摩店4月5日 武汉 Vox Livehouse4月6日 长沙 46 Livehouse4月7日 西安 光音164月12日 郑州 7 Livehouse4月13日 天津 卓扬艺术空间4月14日 北京 愚公移山预售链接:https://www.showstart.com/event/list?type=1&tag=20107 Forming in 2011 around the campus of Sichuan Conservatory of Music as the brain child of Snow, THE HORMONES gradually drew in members from the surrounding Universities. Their reputation grew with frequent gigs at places like Chengdu’s Little Bar, an indie mecca for the then burgeoning indie scene. While being all girls on stage, they hated the idea of being reduced to just eye candy. With a sound inspired by the Foals, LCD Soundsystem, and Le Tigre, their tight energetic dance rock and musicianship quickly elevated them above that perception. In 2014, they embarked on their first China Tour. Playing sweatbox venues around the country to ecstatic audiences they soon were pegged one of the most interesting newcomers to the scene. As they slowly moved up the indie ranks, an opportunity came that changed their path for the next few years. Choosing to go on a TV show contest for bands, THE HORMONES received a sudden wave of attention some wanted some unwanted. And now they had to make some choices that hit like a splash of reality for the band. The show brought them an instant level of fame, along with ire from some of their contemporaries. It came too quickly, and the band perhaps not thinking enough of the consequences afterwards suddenly had to decide if they wanted to go the commercial route that would lead to possible fame but would surely limit their creativity and self-exploration or continue to create things that weren’t acceptable to the pop machine. Their disagreements about the future started to lead to fractures in the once tight group, leading to departure of their former keyboardist.The remaining members choose to go on the route of exploration, and in June of 2016 THE HORMONES signed with Beijing based management and label FakeMusicMedia/ FakeLoveMusic. Snow left in mid 2017 after taking on a musical direction, replaced by guitarist Wang Jiao. After a good deal of mentoring in the studio with Tim DeWit former producer and drummer of Gang Gang Dance and working for WARP under themoniker Dutch E Germ, and Esben Valloe from Reptile Youth, THE HORMONES later finnished their album with producer Ji Yinan & Pierre Guignard, with additional post production and mix from Tim DeWit in late 2017. Their debut, 招手“Beckon”will be THE HORMONES first step into their new skin. They didn’t go halfway, shirking off their dance pop roots like a usedcocoon. Beckon is a much more mature voice of reflection. Their earlier outings were audience driven, their new album now is lead with a sense of exploration, not just of new sounds but a new identity, trying to make sense of the world as they leave the safe confines of school and plunge into the complex nature of society. The album is fractured, and breaths a renewed, punky energy, a more mature melancholic observation of the grey polluted skies that rolls over Chengdu. You feel the band seeing the world as truth for the first time, the bumpy road ahead, the foggy polluted air, the disappointing truth behind the illusion of new love, the magic of places beyond human understanding, and the onslaught of life lessons yet to be learned. It is an album of youth learning to deal with discontent and finding the will to rage against it. 招手“Beckon“ is the story of four girls finding the energy and voice to challenge the world and themselves. They will start this journey with a 20 shows tour through Chin. will come out on early March on all digital platforms in China via FakeLoveMusic.荷尔蒙小姐新浪微博ID:@荷尔蒙小姐乐队主唱朱梦蝶:@朱梦蝶zr吉他手王骄:@你们的好喷油yuki节节贝斯手明明:@明明的望远镜鼓手娟娟:@周大莉娟

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