Maxïmo Park
由Paul Smith领军的五人乐队Maximo Park2003年在英格兰的纽卡素(Newcastle)成军,队员们虽然依然带有极重的口音,但却没有任何"乡下佬"的气味,相反,由包装设计,到乐队的妆扮,再到主音Paul Smith创作的歌词,还有他喜欢阅读作诗的嗜好,都为MAXIMO PARK添上了一份不太一样的色彩。2005年5月,五个小伙子拥有了他们的第一张专辑《A Certain Trigger》,并得到了现有唱片公司WARP Records的一纸合约。
之后便是一系列令人乍舌的成绩,他们的5首单曲都上了排行榜的前20名,包括《Apply Some Pressure》,《 Graffiti》,《 Going Missing》以及《I Want You To Stay》,他们的首张大碟荣登了英国的金曲地位还获得了英国的水星音乐大奖。这五个英格兰北部的小伙子在一步一步地奠定着他们在乐坛不可动摇的地位,相信如歌曲一样,有些慢热的他们在今后也一定会有更加傲人的成绩。
by Heather Phares
Newcastles angular pop quintet Maxïmo Park consists of singer Paul Smith, guitarist Duncan Lloyd, bassist Archie Tiku, keyboardist Lukas Wooller, and drummer Tom English. Like their friends and neighbors the Futureheads, Maxïmo Park craft smart, sharply catchy songs inspired by post-punk and new wave legends like the Jam, XTC, Wire, and the Smiths. Maxïmo Park issued their debut 7, The Coast Is Always Changing/The Night I Lost My Head, in 2004; it caught the ears of Warp Records, which despite being a mostly electronic label signed them and released their second single, Apply Some Pressure, early in 2005. It made the Top 20 in the U.K.s national charts. At that time, Warp also released the Apply Some Pressure EP, which featured tracks from both of the bands singles, in the U.S.
Maxïmo Park also finished recording their debut album with producer Paul Epworth (who also worked with Bloc Party and Babyshambles) that winter and spent the spring touring the U.K., Japan, and the U.S., making an appearance at South by Southwest. The Graffiti single heralded the arrival of the bands full-length debut, A Certain Trigger, late that spring. More tours of the U.S. and U.K., including gigs at Glastonbury and Reading, kept the band busy that summer. Early in 2006, the B-sides collection Missing Songs was released; Maxïmo Park also maintained their hectic touring schedule and returned to the studio late that year, teaming with producer Gil Norton. Our Earthly Pleasures arrived in spring 2007.
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