If everything was good
posted on:2021 years
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If everything was good - SILICON ESTATE

She calls me day and night

I'm sorry girl you just don't make me feel right

I never meant to make you cry are you alright

Just leave me be I'm not gonna put up a fight

And everytime

You wake up feeling worse and then you check the time

It's never what it feels like just throw me a dime

If everything was good then you would feel alive

If everything was good then you would feel alive

If everything was good then you would feel alive

If everything was good then you would feel alive

He never answers me

When I call he makes me feel so lonely

I didn't think you'd give up so easily

Yesterday and laughter feels so far away

I miss the old days

Memories of us keep killing me slowly

You don't really care don't want you to hold me

If everything was good then you would feel alive

If everything was good then you would feel alive

If everything was good then you would feel alive

If everything was good then you would feel aliv

If everything was good - SILICON ESTATE

She calls me day and night

I'm sorry girl you just don't make me feel right

I never meant to make you cry are you alright

Just leave me be I'm not gonna put up a fight

And everytime

You wake up feeling worse and then you check the time

It's never what it feels like just throw me a dime

If everything was good then you would feel alive

If everything was good then you would feel alive

If everything was good then you would feel alive

If everything was good then you would feel alive

He never answers me

When I call he makes me feel so lonely

I didn't think you'd give up so easily

Yesterday and laughter feels so far away

I miss the old days

Memories of us keep killing me slowly

You don't really care don't want you to hold me

If everything was good then you would feel alive

If everything was good then you would feel alive

If everything was good then you would feel alive

If everything was good then you would feel aliv

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