Dogs - Sun Kil Moon
Katy Kerlan was my first kiss
I was only five years as
She hit me with her purse
I had braces on my legs
And I always fell down
And from that day moving forward
I've been petrified of blondes
Oh Patricia she was my first love
She said I hate what's behind me and
I couldn't breathe
I gave her Pink Floyd - Animals
When we were in sixth grade
And it was on her turntable when
I met her on Sunday
Her mom was gone
We were listening to Dogs
She reached down my pants and discovered
I was bald And when
I touched her down there
She was blossoming and soft
And the next day at school she ignored me in the hall
Shelly and Amber gave me my first taste
I went down on them both at
Amber's parents' place
We were drunk as skunks and high on darvon
And they gave me a bath and
I stumbled on home
Mary Anne was my first ****
She slide down between my legs
And oh my god she could suck
I went with her friend first but
I couldn't get it in
And when she caught me with
Mary Anne her heart was broken
Mary Anne got cold and abruptly broke it off
For a guy with sweatpants
And a pick-up truck
I begged her not to dump me and
I pleaded no
But her body language told me
It was time for me to go
The guy with the truck picked me up
And brought me home
I sat down at my piano and my spirit was low
But I pulled myself together
And I played a few notes
Now I was the one who got their heart broke
I met a girl named Debra
She lived on a canal
She made me eggs in the morning
She was such a sweet gal
And we went to Red Lobster
And we went to Tangir's
She had motherly love
She was woman she cared
She was a beautiful girl
And she had a big heart
But I drifted away because
There wasn't that spark
Oh the complicated mess of sex and love
When you give that first stinger
You're the one who gets stung
And when you lose control
And how good it feels to cum
You ain't a pimp like a dog getting into someone
Oh rejection how it hurts so much
When you can't love the one
You've been longing to touch
And there's always something else
And it don't feel right
And you wonder if they're coming together all night
Get your own trash the cycle's on and on
And nobody's right and nobody's wrong
All her shakes sometimes we were drawn
It's a complicated place this planet we'
Dogs - Sun Kil Moon
Katy Kerlan was my first kiss
I was only five years as
She hit me with her purse
I had braces on my legs
And I always fell down
And from that day moving forward
I've been petrified of blondes
Oh Patricia she was my first love
She said I hate what's behind me and
I couldn't breathe
I gave her Pink Floyd - Animals
When we were in sixth grade
And it was on her turntable when
I met her on Sunday
Her mom was gone
We were listening to Dogs
She reached down my pants and discovered
I was bald And when
I touched her down there
She was blossoming and soft
And the next day at school she ignored me in the hall
Shelly and Amber gave me my first taste
I went down on them both at
Amber's parents' place
We were drunk as skunks and high on darvon
And they gave me a bath and
I stumbled on home
Mary Anne was my first ****
She slide down between my legs
And oh my god she could suck
I went with her friend first but
I couldn't get it in
And when she caught me with
Mary Anne her heart was broken
Mary Anne got cold and abruptly broke it off
For a guy with sweatpants
And a pick-up truck
I begged her not to dump me and
I pleaded no
But her body language told me
It was time for me to go
The guy with the truck picked me up
And brought me home
I sat down at my piano and my spirit was low
But I pulled myself together
And I played a few notes
Now I was the one who got their heart broke
I met a girl named Debra
She lived on a canal
She made me eggs in the morning
She was such a sweet gal
And we went to Red Lobster
And we went to Tangir's
She had motherly love
She was woman she cared
She was a beautiful girl
And she had a big heart
But I drifted away because
There wasn't that spark
Oh the complicated mess of sex and love
When you give that first stinger
You're the one who gets stung
And when you lose control
And how good it feels to cum
You ain't a pimp like a dog getting into someone
Oh rejection how it hurts so much
When you can't love the one
You've been longing to touch
And there's always something else
And it don't feel right
And you wonder if they're coming together all night
Get your own trash the cycle's on and on
And nobody's right and nobody's wrong
All her shakes sometimes we were drawn
It's a complicated place this planet we'