In heaven worm souls flutter,
And they flutter by with rosaries,
Dangling from their necks,
German shepherds guide by nightfall,
Little kinder,
Little kinder dressed in starlight,
Inside I feel like,
Like I'm crying besides a tree,
I'm watching myself like an old,
I'm watching myself like an old movie on color,
When people whisper in,
It's just as mysterious,
And the stubble on his face,
It hurt me when,
When we fell onto each other's faces,
Dawn retraces heart ached patterns across grey oceans,
Windows brighten up the room,
And one could cast a smooth worn lover's stone,
Worn smooth from days of fertile deliberation,
Dawn retraces heart ached patterns across grey oceans,
Worn smooth from days of fertile deliberation。
In heaven worm souls flutter,
And they flutter by with rosaries,
Dangling from their necks,
German shepherds guide by nightfall,
Little kinder,
Little kinder dressed in starlight,
Inside I feel like,
Like I'm crying besides a tree,
I'm watching myself like an old,
I'm watching myself like an old movie on color,
When people whisper in,
It's just as mysterious,
And the stubble on his face,
It hurt me when,
When we fell onto each other's faces,
Dawn retraces heart ached patterns across grey oceans,
Windows brighten up the room,
And one could cast a smooth worn lover's stone,
Worn smooth from days of fertile deliberation,
Dawn retraces heart ached patterns across grey oceans,
Worn smooth from days of fertile deliberation。