Personent hodie
Voces puerulae
Laudates jucunde
Qui nobis est natus
Personent hodie
Voces puerulae
Laudates jucunde
Qui nobis est natus
Summo Deo datus
Ideo, ideo, ideo gloria in excelsis Deo
His the doom, ours the mirth
When he came down to earth
Flower of Jesse's tree
Born on earth to save us
Him the Father gave us
Ideo, ideo, ideo gloria in excelsis Deo
Is airiu agus a leanbh cad a dhéanfaidh mé
Tá tú ar shiúl uaim agus airiú
Lives my quiet cell within
Thou in me dwelling
All is lie but Jesukin
Jesu of the skies
My little one, Thou my delight
I with Thee, Thou with me
Next my heart through every night
'S airiú
Who hangs from yonder passion tree?
Your son, dear Mother
Do you not know me?
Judas, James and John
Have you seen my only son?
Ochon! My eyes are blind
Ochon! My heart is wrung
Stella Maris, Semper Clara
Rosa Munde, Res Miranda
Misterium Mirabile
'S airiú agus ochon!
Sad I am till you return
To have you at the break of dawn!
Ochon airiú
Without you!
Personent hodie
Voces puerulae
Laudates jucunde
Qui nobis est natus
Personent hodie
Voces puerulae
Laudates jucunde
Qui nobis est natus
Summo Deo datus
Ideo, ideo, ideo gloria in excelsis Deo
His the doom, ours the mirth
When he came down to earth
Flower of Jesse's tree
Born on earth to save us
Him the Father gave us
Ideo, ideo, ideo gloria in excelsis Deo
Is airiu agus a leanbh cad a dhéanfaidh mé
Tá tú ar shiúl uaim agus airiú
Lives my quiet cell within
Thou in me dwelling
All is lie but Jesukin
Jesu of the skies
My little one, Thou my delight
I with Thee, Thou with me
Next my heart through every night
'S airiú
Who hangs from yonder passion tree?
Your son, dear Mother
Do you not know me?
Judas, James and John
Have you seen my only son?
Ochon! My eyes are blind
Ochon! My heart is wrung
Stella Maris, Semper Clara
Rosa Munde, Res Miranda
Misterium Mirabile
'S airiú agus ochon!
Sad I am till you return
To have you at the break of dawn!
Ochon airiú
Without you!