Technological reality
Customize the girl you wanted
Visualize your every thought
Just unleash your creativity
I'll be plenty real before you
Make your fantasies come true
Digital fantasies turn into reality
Digital fantasies turn into reality
Digital fantasies turn into reality
Digital fantasies turn into reality
And if the chemistry is
Then let me turn your lows to
Just turn me on enjoy the
'Cause I'm on autodrive
Make me over
Lead me closer to your side
I just want to feel alive
And have you love me
Let me know you're thinking of me
Make me over
Lead me closer to a lie
I just want to feel alive
And have you love me
Self-respect is so above me
Please don't break this poor synthetic heart
Please don't break this poor synthetic heart
Please don't break this poor synthetic heart
Please don't break this poor synthetic heart
And if the chemistry is
Then let me turn your lows to
Just turn me on enjoy the
'Cause I'm on autodrive
Make me over
Lead me closer to your side
I just want to feel alive
And have you love me
Let me know you're thinking of me
Make me over
Lead me closer to a lie
I just want to feel alive
And have you love me
Self-respect is so above me
Please don't break this poor synthetic heart
Please don't break this poor synthetic heart
Please don't break this poor synthetic heart
Please don't break this poor synthetic h
Technological reality
Customize the girl you wanted
Visualize your every thought
Just unleash your creativity
I'll be plenty real before you
Make your fantasies come true
Digital fantasies turn into reality
Digital fantasies turn into reality
Digital fantasies turn into reality
Digital fantasies turn into reality
And if the chemistry is
Then let me turn your lows to
Just turn me on enjoy the
'Cause I'm on autodrive
Make me over
Lead me closer to your side
I just want to feel alive
And have you love me
Let me know you're thinking of me
Make me over
Lead me closer to a lie
I just want to feel alive
And have you love me
Self-respect is so above me
Please don't break this poor synthetic heart
Please don't break this poor synthetic heart
Please don't break this poor synthetic heart
Please don't break this poor synthetic heart
And if the chemistry is
Then let me turn your lows to
Just turn me on enjoy the
'Cause I'm on autodrive
Make me over
Lead me closer to your side
I just want to feel alive
And have you love me
Let me know you're thinking of me
Make me over
Lead me closer to a lie
I just want to feel alive
And have you love me
Self-respect is so above me
Please don't break this poor synthetic heart
Please don't break this poor synthetic heart
Please don't break this poor synthetic heart
Please don't break this poor synthetic h