The smell before the rain always makes me so nostalgic
For summers back in Texas
I wonder how my dog that ran away is doing now
I hope he thinks about me each time he chews a shoelace
Every time I see a John Wayne movie
I'm thankful for my Dad and how he raised me
I honestly believe that I'm the same as I was when I was 14
I still worry about things that really don't matter
I found the meaning of life in a fortune cookie
It said stop asking how and why to live life and just do it
I guess Nike was right but I've never been one to take advice
I guess everything reminds you of something
The smell before the rain always makes me so nostalgic
For summers back in Texas
I wonder how my dog that ran away is doing now
I hope he thinks about me each time he chews a shoelace
Every time I see a John Wayne movie
I'm thankful for my Dad and how he raised me
I honestly believe that I'm the same as I was when I was 14
I still worry about things that really don't matter
I found the meaning of life in a fortune cookie
It said stop asking how and why to live life and just do it
I guess Nike was right but I've never been one to take advice
I guess everything reminds you of something