Brand New Pair of Wings
posted on:2023 years
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Rip smart as a heart attack

I got a brand new stare

I can carry the whole in stack

'Cause I've got a brand new pair of wings

I used to fly straight in the upright brigade

Till I got a new brand new pair of wings


We had a fight and you called my blame

I got a brand new stare

Thought I was back in a losing game

But I got a brand new pair of wings

'Cause you're kind when you win in the games we play

I got a brand new pair of wings


When it's my fault, I'll say I'm sorry

You know I'm sorry

When it's my fault, I'll say I'm sorry

You know I'm sorry

Say I'm sorry to you

'Cause I know it's you that I'm saying it to

For all of the things I've put you through

And I know that I do

But you say sorry too

Oh doo-duh-de-doo, doo-duh-de-doo, doo doo

Crackshot with a dustpan broom

I've got a brand new stair

No use in cleaning that empty room

I got a brand new pair of wings

I used to be neat as a brick house clay

Till I got a brand new pair of wings




Rip smart as a heart attack

I got a brand new stare

I can carry the whole in stack

'Cause I've got a brand new pair of wings

I used to fly straight in the upright brigade

Till I got a new brand new pair of wings


We had a fight and you called my blame

I got a brand new stare

Thought I was back in a losing game

But I got a brand new pair of wings

'Cause you're kind when you win in the games we play

I got a brand new pair of wings


When it's my fault, I'll say I'm sorry

You know I'm sorry

When it's my fault, I'll say I'm sorry

You know I'm sorry

Say I'm sorry to you

'Cause I know it's you that I'm saying it to

For all of the things I've put you through

And I know that I do

But you say sorry too

Oh doo-duh-de-doo, doo-duh-de-doo, doo doo

Crackshot with a dustpan broom

I've got a brand new stair

No use in cleaning that empty room

I got a brand new pair of wings

I used to be neat as a brick house clay

Till I got a brand new pair of wings




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