idontwannabeyouanymore (cover)
posted on:2023 years
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Don't be that way

Fall apart twice a day

I just wish you could feel what you say

Show, never tell

But I know you too well

Got a mood that you wish you could sell

If teardrops could be bottled

There'd be swimming pools filled by models

Told a tight dress is what makes you a whore

If I love you was a promise

Would you break it if you're honest

Tell the mirror what you know she's heard before

I don't wanna be you anymore

Hands getting cold

Losing feeling's getting old

Was I made from a broken mold?

Hurt, I can't shake

We've made every mistake

Only you know the way that I break

If teardrops could be bottled

There'd be swimming pools filled by models

Told a tight dress is what makes you a whore

If I love you was a promise

Would you break it if you're honest

Tell the mirror what you know she's heard before

But I don't wanna be you

I don't wanna be you

I don't wanna be you

Don't be that way

Fall apart twice a day

I just wish you could feel what you say

Show, never tell

But I know you too well

Got a mood that you wish you could sell

If teardrops could be bottled

There'd be swimming pools filled by models

Told a tight dress is what makes you a whore

If I love you was a promise

Would you break it if you're honest

Tell the mirror what you know she's heard before

I don't wanna be you anymore

Hands getting cold

Losing feeling's getting old

Was I made from a broken mold?

Hurt, I can't shake

We've made every mistake

Only you know the way that I break

If teardrops could be bottled

There'd be swimming pools filled by models

Told a tight dress is what makes you a whore

If I love you was a promise

Would you break it if you're honest

Tell the mirror what you know she's heard before

But I don't wanna be you

I don't wanna be you

I don't wanna be you

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